Island Falls Seniors (week of June 20, 2018)

7 years ago

Our group met on June 7th. at the Island Falls Municipal Building.

We all enjoyed a potluck lunch, and then Rich Camire called the meeting to order. Guest speaker Laura Farnsworth explained how the new line voting will work.

We then played the bag game, which was a fun time for all.

Members present were Terry Dwyer, Edith Dwyer, Derryl and Sherry Hartin, Marcy and Barny Coursey, Mary Pipes, Dick Sheen, Patty Butler, Jean Clemmens, Ellie Peck, Louise Butcher and Rich Camire. We also had two guests, Perry and Tamara Jones from Crystal.

Our next meeting will be on June 22, and we will play Bingo.