Scouts give to Meals on Wheels

7 years ago

During the 2018 Girl Scout Cookie sale, Aroostook County Girl Scouts collected cookie share orders, in which people could purchase cookies to donate to the Meals on Wheels program.  

This year, the Scouts received enough orders to donate 432 packages of cookies, and representatives of several troops delivered the donations.

Thank you to all who purchased or donated cookies.

Daze draw near

Mapleton Daze will begin Wednesday evening, June 27, with a bike rodeo at 6 p.m. at the school yard, with family movie night at 7:30 on the PI Police Department’s large outside movie screen.  Thursday night at the hall will feature a cribbage tournament and/or Bingo.

The Mapleton Lions Club, host sponsors, will have two fundraising dinners.  The annual chicken barbecue will be held on Friday, June 29, at 4.30 p.m. until all dinners have been sold.  The Mapleton United Methodist Women will pitch in with various homemade pies from which to choose, and the Mapleton Baptist Youth Group will have homemade ice creams to accompany the pie.

The Mapleton Daze fireworks display will follow the meal at dark.

Saturday’s activities include free breakfast sandwiches hosted by the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill churches at the Mapleton Post Office parking lot at 7 a.m. They will have free drawings and fun stuff for the kids.  They request donations of non-perishable food items for the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Food Cupboard located at the town office. The breakfast is free — no donations accepted or allowed.

There will also be “Breakfast with a View on Haystack at 7 a.m. Saturday, and Pop Pilates at 7:30 at the school.  

The annual Mapleton Daze Parade and the kids’ bike parade will both begin at 10 a.m.  The bike parade will begin on the pool road. Both parades will wind down Main Street and end at the elementary school.

Starting at 10 a.m., the Mapleton Historical Society will hold its annual homemade pie and ice cream at the Haystack Historical Museum. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. there will be activities for kids and families, with GForce obstacle courses, a pool noodle obstacle course and games, bounce house, horse rides and food and craft vendors.

A Splash & Dash will held Saturday for children 8-12. Registration is 1-1:30 p.m. at Mapleton Elementary. The course includes: for 8-9-year-olds, swim one lap and run half a mile; for 10-12-year-olds, swim two laps and run 1 mile. Register online by June 25.  

The Lions will host their fundraising baked ham and bean dinner Saturday night from 4:30 to 6:30; all are welcome.

A dance with a local DJ service will get underway at the Hall at 8 p.m., going until midnight.

On Sunday, July 1, there will be a 7 a.m. sunrise service at the Mapleton Hall with Wendell Hudson.

For more information, check out the Mapleton Daze brochure online or visit their Facebook event page.

South Side Cemetery

Mapleton’s South Side Cemetery has been selected by Wreaths Across America to honor the deceased veterans in the cemetery.  On Dec. 18, National Wreaths Across America Day, the cemetery will be among 1,400 locations across America to host wreath-laying ceremonies for veterans. Maine Agri-Women will coordinate. The wreath-laying ceremony will be held at the same time on the same day as the ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. 

There are 114 veterans buried at South Side, and volunteer help is needed. Each wreath costs $15. Anyone who would like to sponsor a wreath or volunteer should contact Mary Anne Buck at 764-0635 or email, or Judy Kenney at 764-1787 or  e-mail

Grange Hall fundraiser

The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society will hold an indoor craft, tag and bake sale Saturday, June 23, from 8-4. Spaces will be sold and baked goods sold to benefit the Castle Hill Grange Hall.

The Preservation Society meets on the fourth Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. from February through October. If interested please stop by. The group needs new members to keep the Hall operating. People can rent the hall from May to October for family reunions, showers, birthday parties and wedding receptions. For more information call 764-4826 or 764-4878.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at