Ark Animal Sanctuary (week of June 20, 2018)

7 years ago

As many of you are aware a cat named Bandit went missing from his new adopted home well over a month ago. The Ark only found out he was missing last week, but quickly put the wheels in motion to find this sweet boy.

Flyers were made up and we went door to door and flooded Facebook with his story.  Bandit is now back at The Ark safe and sound he was captured on Tuesday, June 5.

We would just like to thank everyone who helped with his rescue in particular all of the neighbors from where he went missing. Thank you to Irwin and Rhonda Stevens, Millard and Kimberly Wright, Dana and Terri Ann  Miller and Paul and Brenda Hemingway.

These individuals reported seeing Bandit in or near their yards over the past month. They graciously allowed us on their property and allowed us to set live traps. They called with sightings and kept a close watch out for our boy. It all paid off when Bandit was caught in a trap early June 5.

Bandit’s rescue would not have been possible without the help from all of these people. Thank you for caring and being a part of Bandit’s rescue. Bandit is back home at The Ark because you cared enough to get involved and make a difference, and for that we are forever grateful.