Town plans festive weekend

7 years ago

The time has come for the biggest event in the tri-town area — Mapleton Daze, which begins Wednesday, June 27, with outstanding events through Sunday morning, July 1.  

Some of the planned events include Wednesday’s youth rodeo and family movie night at Mapleton Elementary School and entertainment by Wendell Hudson at the Mapleton Lions Hall.

Thursday evening will be the Woodie Waddell Cribbage Tournament and Bingo night at the Lions Hall.  

The annual Mapleton Lions Club Chicken Bar-B-Q will be held on Friday, June 29, at 5 p.m. and continuing until all dinners have been sold.  This is rain or shine event. Come out for dinner and visit with friends, neighbors, family and former residents. All are invited. For dessert, the Mapleton United Methodist Women will pitch in with their selection of 20 or more kinds of homemade pies from which to choose, and the Mapleton Baptist Church will have a variety of homemade ice creams to accompany the pie.

At dusk (approximately 9 p.m.), the annual fireworks show will be held behind the school.  Mapleton Baptist Church Youth will be selling 3D fireworks glasses for $1 for a more exciting viewing of the show.

Saturday morning, the first combined Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Church Breakfast will be held at the Mapleton Post Office parking lot. The menu will consist of breakfast sandwiches and drinks starting at 7 a.m.  They will have free drawings and fun stuff for the kids. They request donations of non-perishable food items for the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Food Cupboard, located at the town office. The breakfast is free — no donations will be accepted or allowed.  

Following breakfast, at 10 a.m., the Mapleton Daze Parade will be held.

Starting at 10 a.m. Saturday and ending at 2 p.m., the Mapleton Historical Society will hold its annual homemade pie and ice cream social at the Haystack Historical Museum.   Come and enjoy the pie of your choice with homemade ice cream.

From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  there will be a variety of activities  for young children and youth at the school.  There will be several craft and food vendors as well.  Bring the family down to the school and have a good time.

During the afternoon, the Mapleton Alumni Association will have their annual luncheon starting at 1 p.m. at the Mapleton Elementary School.  This year the association will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first graduating class of the Mapleton High school.

For younger youth and children, the first Mapleton Daze Splash and Dash will be open to all children who will be between the ages of 8 and 12 by Dec. 31.  Registration will take place from 1 to 1:30 p.m. at Mapleton Elementary. Registered 8- to 9-year-old children will swim one lap in the pool and run a half mile.  Youngsters 10-12 will swim two laps and run one mile. All participants will receive an event T-shirt and a medal.

Cost is $10/person on the day of the event with a family discount option. Limited scholarships may be available for those who request one and register online by June 25.  Splash and Dash is sponsored by TAMC and the Mapleton Recreation Department.

Closing out the day, the Lions Club will host a fundraising baked ham and bean dinner starting at 4:30 p.m.; all are welcome.  Aroostook Idol Winner Jake Graham will host the entertainment and dance for the evening.

Finally, on Sunday, Mapleton Daze will close with a 7 a.m. sunrise service held at the Mapleton Lions Hall, led by Wendell Hutson.  Come and sing praise songs and share in a devotional from Scripture.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at