Presque Isle area From our Files (week of June 27, 2018)

7 years ago

101 Years Ago -June 28, 1917

Grand social dance — The Game of Love, with eighty-five Fort Fairfield people, under the direction of Mr. Bird, was held to benefit the Red Cross Fund, Caribou, with a grand social dance after the performance; with Knowles’ orchestra.

75 Years Ago –  July 1, 1943

Pine Tree director — Miss Sue V. Thompson was advised by Mrs. C. Harold Owen, executive director, that at the annual meeting, Miss Thompson was elected as one of the directors of the Pine Tree Society. Miss Thompson, Past President of the Business and Professional Women’s Club, had served on many local and state committees.

Lions president — Harry Stephenson was installed as King Lion for the year during the seventh annual installation of the Presque Isle Lions Club. Walter Tapley, retiring King, was presented a Past President’s diamond pin for his services as King Lion for the past year.

Agent Beaton — F. E. Beaton, affiliated with the Railway Express Agency along the North Shore, Mass., the past 20 years, was appointed the new agent of the Presque Isle office. Harry Gooding was named cashier.

50 Years Ago –  June 26, 1968

Perry wins — Larry A. Perry, 18, of Presque Isle, became the Maine Future Farmers of America Star state Farmer for 1968 at the FFA state awards presentation at the University of Maine’s Orono campus. Perry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton J. Perry of Presque Isle, received a $200 cash award as Maine’s Star State Farmer. In addition to growing potatoes for certified seed and a poultry program, Perry was an honor student, a musician who played the organ, piano and sousaphone, a Sunday School teacher, and had served as an officer and committee member in the FFA and in 4-H Club local and county organizations.

Dirigo Girls State — Rachel Foy, 17, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Howard Foy of Presque Isle, was given the oath of office as the 1968 governor of Dirigo Girls State by Gov. Kenneth M. Curtis in ceremonies. Miss Foy, the Federalist nominee, defeated the Nationalist candidate, Irene Mailhot of Lewiston, in state elections at Colby College, site of the annual sessions. She was sponsored at Girls’ State by the Presque Isle unit of the American Legion Auxiliary.

25 Years Ago –  June 30, 1993

NMRPC wins — Ken Murchison of the Northern Maine Regional Planning Commission received the Maine Association of Planners 1993 award for outstanding technical contribution to the planning field for the computerized mapping work on the Loring AFB reuse Plan. The set of Loring Maps was submitted as part of a statewide program of recognizing achievement in the planning field. Each year, the association searches and requests applicants for the awards program. The applications were screened and the final awards were presented in ceremonies held at Bates College.

FFA donation — Steve Doody, Maine Potato Growers manager of Presque Isle, donated $450 to the Washburn Future Farmers of America chapter for their participation in the annual MPG hot dog barbecue. FFA members present receiving the donation were Amy O’Donnell, chapter treasurer; Angela Doody, reporter; Nicki Humphrey, vice president; James Rowbotham; Aaron Bragg and Juanita Huston.

Good turn effort — Cub Scout Pack 173 of Mars Hill raised marigolds for the residents at Aroostook Health Center as a “good turn effort.” The scouts, Dirk and Dustin McCrum, Michael Shaw, Dennis McCartney, Robbie Collins and Arlie Wiggins, and their leader, Sally Shaw, gave the flowering plants to AHC residents to enjoy in their rooms and around the center.