From the Bunkers (week of June 27, 2018)

7 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — A wonderful week of weather has given us some good growing conditions at Houlton Community Golf Course.

With the rain on Monday and warm temperatures for the week, we are really greening up. And speaking of growing, I am really excited and overjoyed with the turnout for our Volunteer Day on Saturday. With over 12 members participating, we really got a tremendous amount of trimming done.

With trimmers, chainsaws, gloves, and Gators, we tackled the overgrown plantation pine groves on the left of holes two and nine. After that they said what next, so they moved to the groves between holes six and seven.

Lunch was served by Bill and Nancy, thank you very much, and after that break, we went back to finish the job. You need to come play the course to appreciate the hard work done by these men. I was happy to see that the crew was made up from new Golf for Life members and some of the old guard.

Thank you to Randy and Brent Lincoln, Brian Gardiner, Jerry York, Bob Gray, Doug Griffin, Bob McCarthy, Gary Severson, Dave Adams, Steve Henderson, Ray Mailman, and Mike Fleming. If I missed somebody, I apologize, as I didn’t meet everyone. Let me know.

Last weeks Men’s Twilight league matches were canceled due to rain. The Ladies Association competition continued on. And last Friday’s Couples Scramble had ten teams playing. The winners were Rob and Leanne Kinens and Margaret Hill. Congratulations.

The Junior Golf Clinic will begin Tuesday June 26 at 8:00 AM. It will be an informational meeting for all at the clubhouse. The subsequent lessons will be on Mondays. If you miss Tuesday, call the proshop for more info.

The HHS Alumni Association four person scramble will take place this Saturday starting at 9 AM. Come in to sign up your team or individual, we’ll put you on a team. Cost is $35 per person, with proceeds going to the HHS Alumni Association. For either of these events you can call the clubhouse at 532-2662 to sign up or for more info.

The Lakside Restaurant is open Wednesday thru Saturday, 10:30-2:30 for lunch, and 4:30- 8:30 for dinner. They are also there for Bill’s famous Sunday Brunch from 10:00- 3:00. Call Nancy at 694-9494 for reservations. And coming in late July will be another exciting evening of entertainment with Paul LaPointe.

School is now out and this week starts the Fourth of July festivities. The Houlton Ag Fair begins this weekend. Midnight Madness is Friday night in Market Square. And many people will be here at their family lake camps. And our little golf course will have many more players. It is a wonderful time of the year for we in the recreation business. We hope you will call the proshop to make tee times so you can enjoy the beauty of our course. I will see you out on the course.

The Houlton Community Golf Club is located on 6 Country Club Drive. Call the clubhouse at 532-2662 for more details.