Limestone and Stockholm to hold Independence Day parades

7 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — The Fourth of July will be chock-full of parades and activities for anyone willing to participate. Limestone and Stockholm in particular both will be holding parades, starting at 2 p.m. and 11 a.m., respectively.

Limestone, traditionally, holds several events leading up to July Fourth, starting in June with festivities that include a town wide yard sale, an ice cream social at the Robert A. Frost Memorial Library, and a strawberry shortcake festival at the Methodist Church. Fire and police departments previously held their own events in which children could learn more about how to help their community. On July 3, Mike’s Family Market will give away free frisbees and noisemakers.

The Limestone Recreation Department also holds an all-afternoon “Trafton Days” event on July 3 during which guests can rent lakeside lots for campers and tents, enjoy food, games, and music courtesy of Wally and the Virginian, who are scheduled to play at 8 p.m.

In addition to the 2 p.m. parade, Limestone will offer several Independence Day activities. Leading up to the parade, the Limestone Country Club will host a “Red, White and Blue 9-Hole Golf Tournament” beginning at 8 a.m.; the Methodist church will host a “United Methodist Men’s Ham and Pancake Breakfast” from 7 to 9 a.m.; and The Closet Frog on Main Street will offer punch and cookies. Several food vendors will begin serving goods at 11 a.m. until the fireworks begin at 9 p.m.

Limestone festivities will continue at Albert E Michaud Park after the parade with a watermelon eating contest and a strong man show beginning at 4 p.m., in addition to music from DJ Jake Ball and games such as kick ball, horseshoes, and hula hoops. Fireworks will be launched off the Grand Falls Road hill at 9 p.m. to cap off the town’s celebrations.

The Town of Stockholm also boasts numerous events on the Fourth of July, beginning with a 6 a.m. Swedish pancake breakfast at the Sportsmen Lodge. The Stockholm Museum will offer a special display along with root beer floats, and various vendors in town will provide food during the parade, after which fireworks are planned at the American Legion as soon as it gets dark.

While the City of Caribou will not be holding a parade, a patriotic “Made in the U.S.A.” themed Thursdays on Sweden event will be held the following day beginning at 6 p.m.

Caribou Marketing and Events Coordinator Christina Kane-Gibson said that guests are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue colors, and that city officials sitting at the “Caribou booth” will have a surprise for anyone wearing patriotic colors.