TOPS – week of Aug. 1, 2018

7 years ago

The Houlton chapter of TOPS met Friday, July 20. There were nine TOPS and four KOPS members present.

Brenda Lacostic was the loser of the week. Betty Wyman was runner-up. Good job, ladies. The 50/50 was won by Brenda Lacostic and the skinny dish was held over. The health basket was won by Millie Gagnon.

Charlotte Marley started a new contest and during it we will have to earn beads every week or give them back, depending on our weight loss for the week. What a great incentive, to get a prize and a pretty pin at the end for the winner.

Barbara Troy did on exercise program with us and we are going to do that every week. Thank you, Barbara.

Plans are coming along well for our workshop in September. Hope to have a great turnout. Let’s not forget our phone calls this week.

We always welcome new members. The cost is low and the support is high so come join us. We meet every Friday morning. For more information or directions, call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.