Houlton area From our Files (week of July 4, 2018)

7 years ago

100 Years Ago – July 3, 1918

    Elected At the Druggists’ Convention in Portland last week, S. L. White was elected vice-president of the State Assn.

    Accepted position Harry Mooers, who has been employed by F. A. Cates & Co. for a number of years, has accepted a position with Hamilton Grant Co.

75 Years Ago – July 8, 1943

    The show must go on A steady increasing downpour of rain failed to halt the July Fourth parade held Monday morning, even though it probably took a tuck in its length. A contingent of Elks carrying their huge flag, which got heavier and heavier as the rain soaked it, Earl Pierson and Ralph Porter were in the lead. The Red Cross surgical dressing unit, led by Mrs. David Jones, sloshed courageously through the wet street in their white uniforms and white shoes. Also in the parade, a contingent from the Houlton Air Force Base, dressed for the occasion. More than 7,000 were on hand for the postponed full program the following Tuesday.

   Mortgages burned at Bridgewater The Ladies Aid held an old-fashioned basket social and ice-cream sale and $70 was realized. H. A. MacIlroy auctioned off the baskets after a most interesting speech by H. A. Tompkins at which time he introduced the winning team, Mrs. Mildred Larson and Mrs. Babe Seeley, who together solicited $298 towards the mortgage pay-off. Together they burned the mortgages in the midst of their cheering friends. Second were Mrs. Hilda Dolman and Mrs. Ida Farley with $254.51, and third, Mrs. Arnold Corey and Miss Berdena Ewings with $111.57.

50 Years Ago – July 3, 1968

    Return to open business Ralph B. Thompson has opened his new business, Thompson’s Servisoft, at 79 Bangor Street. The Houlton native has finished construction of a new one story building to house his new business from which he will service the Southern Aroostook area. Thompson is no stranger to most in the Houlton area, having been in business as a partner in Thompson Oil Co. from 1946 to 1956. He started that business with his brothers, Vaughn and Lester. Thompson Servisoft formally opened for business June 1. The new company will install and service water softening systems for the home.

    Race winners Model car races were held as part of the recent Cub Scout Pack meeting at the Putnam auditorium on the Ricker College campus. Representatives of all dens competed against each other and three winners were named. The winners are: Philip Barrows, third place; Michael Howorth, second; and Clifton Foster, the champion.

25 Years Ago – July 7, 1993

   Scholars Dollars Lana Marston accepted a donation from Tom Robinson from the Irving Oil Co. for Katahdin High School’s Dollars for Scholars program. Robinson was the manager of the Irving facility in Sherman.

   Benefit show — The Katahdin High School dinner theatre, under the direction of Lorraine Shippee, sold out early for the second year in a row. Tamara Hood and Amanda Robinson portrayed friends aging from 10 to 23 in ‘Watermelon Boats.’ Proceeds from the dinner theatre benefited the Dollars for Scholars program.