Desjardins joins Maine Credit Union League

7 years ago

PORTLAND, Maine — As part of its recent 80th annual meeting and convention held in Portland, the Maine Credit Union League Board of Directors met briefly and elected its 2018-2019 officers.

The newly elected secretary, David Desjardins, hails from Aroostook County. Desjardins is president and CEO of Acadia Federal Credit Union of Fort Kent Ashland, Bangor, Brewer, Madawaska, St. Agatha and St. Francis.

Others elected included: board chair, Tucker Cole, president/CEO of Maine State Credit Union of Augusta and Waterville; vice chair, Joann Bisson, president/CEO of Trademark Federal Credit Union of Augusta, Portland and Scarborough; and treasurer, Scott Chretien, president/CEO of York County Federal Credit Union of Sanford, Biddeford, Saco and York.

Christine Devine, president/CEO of Kennebec Valley Federal Credit Union of Augusta and Oakland, joined the board.

Formed in 1938, the Maine Credit Union League is the State Trade Association for Maine’s 55 credit unions and nearly 700,000 members, committed to helping credit unions succeed and improve the financial lives of their members.  For more information, visit