Island Falls students competed at the annual Graves Summer Kick-Off Tournament

7 years ago

Students from the Island Falls branch of the Graves Institute of Self Defense recently competed at the annual Graves Summer Kick-Off Tournament held in Mars Hill. Participating were, front from left, sensei Charlotte Hartt, first in fighting and Ju-Jitsu; Brookyln Philbrook, first in both fighting and Ju-Jitsu; Jack Philbrook, second in fighting, first in Ju-Jitsu; Rider Austin, third in Ju-Jitsu; and sensei Sadie Hartt, grand champion fighter and first in Ju-Jitsu. In back are, Robert Buzh, second in fighting and Ju-Jitsu; Ryder Stubbs, second in Ju-Jitsu; Joel Philbrook, first in fighting; sensei Buzzy Qualey, sensei Jonathan Robinson, first in fighting and sensei Walter Garnett, branch instructor.