Purple Hat Ladies (week of July 18, 2018)

Charlotte Marley, Correspondent, Special to The County
7 years ago

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018 the Purple Hat Ladies of Southern Aroostook met at the Brookside Restaurant in Smyrna for their monthly get-together.

Wannetta Townsend asked the blessing on the food.

The August meeting will be a “bring your own sandwich” at a picnic area in Houlton.

The winners of the monthly drawing were Arlene Friel and Mildred Gagnon.

Future meetings were discussed and some plans were finalized.

Attending were: Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Cindy Gray, Verna Boone, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell, Arlene Friel, Sandy Wyman, Betty Wyman and Charlotte Marley.