Perham plans 3rd annual town-wide yard sale

7 years ago

PERHAM, Maine — Numerous residents and participants from surrounding towns have signed up for Perham’s third annual town-wide yard sale on Saturday, Aug. 11, beginning at 8:30 a.m.  

The event has proved popular with both sellers and buyers, and organizers Debra Viola and Patty Doody said this year looks likely to be even better than the previous two.

Residents in neighboring towns, such as Woodland, Wade and Washburn and other nearby communities, have joined the residents in Perham, but there is still time to sign up by contacting Doody or Viola as soon as possible. Space at the town hall is limited.

Residents and participants who set up around the town and at the Perham Town Hall for the previous sales reported good turnout and sales, and expect the same this year. Additionally, organizers plan to improve advertising and signage for directions to locations where residents are participating.

Anyone wishing to participate in the event or for additional information should contact Viola at 498-3433 or Doody at 455-4891 to sign up and secure a space  Additional details will be available closer to the date.