The Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club for the first meeting in September.
After enjoying a delicious potluck, our new president called the business meeting to order with The Lord’s Prayer and the Flag Salute.
Wannetta Townsend was the 50/50 winner. Reports were read and accepted. Several ideas for meetings were discussed, including a trip to Calais at some time.
Attending were: Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Alberta McDonald, Wannetta Townsend, Iona Nadeau, George Barrow, Jim and Helen Blois, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Kathleen Boutilier and Don and Charlotte Marley.
The next meeting will be on Sept. 19 at the snowmobile club at 11 a.m. Come and join us for a delicious potluck, sometimes entertainment and always a good visit with friends and neighbors.