CARIBOU, Maine — Jobs for Maine Graduates and the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce invite local businesspeople to share information about their work with students at a Caribou High School business forum from 12:30-2:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26.
The session will allow representatives to talk with students, one on one, who are interested in learning more about their business, following a similar career, or who need help deciding what courses to take in high school and beyond to allow them to find employment in the area.
Attending will be students from Caribou Middle School, high school juniors and seniors and JMG students from all grade levels, seeking information about the talents required for a particular business as well as employment opportunities now and in the future.
Muffins and juice will be served.
Participants will be provided a table to display items, pamphlets or logo material pertinent to their business. Setup will begin at 11:30 a.m. on the morning of the event.
For further information or to sign up, contact Dr. Valerie Ann Waldemarson, Caribou High School’s JMG specialist, at 493-4260.