Honoring Maine’s Veterans

6 years ago

On this Veterans Day, it is my privilege to recognize and thank all of the men and women who have served in our armed forces for their commitment to our country. Their tireless efforts and unfailing devotion to duty have kept us safe in times of peril. Today, we pause to reflect on their service and the debt of honor that we owe them and their families.

One hundred years ago, members of the Allied Forces and Central Powers laid down their arms, an event recognized as the end of the First World War. Originally known as Armistice Day, November 11 became the date each year that we as a country remembered and honored the more than 116,000 Americans who lost their lives during The Great War. After World War II, this annual remembrance was expanded to honor all those who served, and became known as Veterans Day. Today, we continue to use this occasion to pay tribute to all of our Nation’s veterans who have proudly served. Our veterans and their families – those who returned home, those who are still missing, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice – represent the very best of what this country has to offer and I am deeply thankful for their noble service.

The people of Maine have long embraced the call to serve, and our state has a storied history of sending our sons and daughters to bravely defend the safety, security, and values of the United States of America. This spirit of service not only lives in the willingness to don the uniform, but also in the commitment of the people of Maine to care for those who have returned.

I am humbled to join people throughout Maine and across the country to honor the selfless service of our Veterans and to recognize the eternal debt that we owe to them and their families. There is still much work to do to honor their sacrifices, but today we rededicate ourselves to supporting those who have served in uniform on our behalf, including those veterans who are struggling with homelessness, unemployment, poverty, and lack of access to healthcare, and those families who are left with the burden of not knowing the fate of their loved ones who remain unaccounted for overseas. We must continue to serve our veterans with the same dedication that they served us.