100 Years Ago – Nov. 20, 1918
New job — Miss Sargent, who has been employed at the Houlton Savings Bank for some time, has resigned and accepted a position with the Houlton Trust Co.
75 Years Ago – November 25, 1943
Purple heart — Mrs. Annie Faulkner of New Limerick has received word that her son, Pvt. Donald Faulkner, who is now serving in Italy, has been awarded the Purple Heart by the War Department.
Tin can collection — Arrangements have been completed for a collection of tin cans in all points in Aroostook County during the week of Jan. 9-15, the Salvage Committee stated today. Freight cars will be stationed on specific dates to be announced at Madawaska, Van Buren, Caribou, Presque Isle and Houlton to receive prepared cans and speed them on to the detinning plants, where both the tin and steel of which the cans are composed will be reclaimed for war purposes.
50 Years Ago – Nov. 20, 1968
Town manager — Arthur H. Curtis of Winthrop, a 49-year-old veteran of municipal government, has been selected as the new town manager for Houlton. The starting salary for the new manager will be $11,000 a year and he will receive an additional $600 a year for car allowance.
Speaker at meeting — The BPW Club held their monthly supper meeting Nov. 12. Mrs. Catherine Bell presided at the business meeting. Mrs. Mildred McIntosh introduced the speaker, Marshall Hammond, publisher and editor of the Houlton Pioneer Times, who spoke on the subject of public relations. Mrs. Doris McKay reported on the progress of the committee on the Junior Miss pageant contest to be held Nov. 30.
25 Years Ago – Nov. 24, 1993
Silent auction — The Chat-a-While Club met Nov. 17 with Ruth Spellman. A silent auction was held and a regular business meeting was conducted by president Thelma Acott. Members and guests were Louella Hatfield, Thelma Acott, Ginny Plourde, Margaret Wiolette, Hilda Holck and the hostess.
Opening and anniversary — Chester Kearney & Associates celebrated the opening of its new Houlton office and 50 years of business last Friday in Houlton. At the opening were: Chris Fitzpatrick, president of the Houlton Chamber of Commerce; Steve Bird, president of Chester Kearney and Associates; Paul Callnan, office manager; David Gates, manager; Joyce Fitzpatrick, Houlton town councilor; and Nancy Ketch, executive director of the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce.