Oakfield Seniors – Week of April 24, 2019

Charlotte Marley, Correspondent, Special to The County
6 years ago

On a beautiful, sunny day the Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Clubhouse for their only meeting in April 2019.

The tables were set with Easter tablecloths and napkins and  lots of bunnies in every size and colors imaginable. Thanks to Marie and Alberta for all the decorations.

The food table was loaded with ham, meatloaf, eggs, potato salad, macaroni salads, baked beans, corn bread, chicken, rolls, boiled dinner, cake, ding bats and pie.   

April birthdays were recognized and “Happy Birthday” was sung.

Bernice Campbell was recognized for her 840 volunteer hours with RSVP.

President Alberta McDonald opened the business meeting with the Lord’s Prayer followed by the Flag Salute. The usual reports were read and accepted. Charlotte Marley won the 50/50 raffle and Jann Votaw and Iona Nadeau were the lucky winners of fluffy sheep.

Then everyone enjoyed an Egg Hunt. Sixty eggs were hidden and everyone searched to find as many as possible. All of the eggs were filled with goodies.

All seniors are invited to join us on the first and third Wednesday of each month for good food and fun.

Attending were: Marie Gillotti, Alberta McDonald, Bernice Campbell, Arlene Friel, Jann Votaw, Iona Nadeau, Kathleen Boutilier, Juanita Russell, Judy Williams, George Barrow, Wannetta Townsend, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Jeanne Clements and Don and Charlotte Marley.

The next meeting will be on May 1, 2019 at the Oakfield clubhouse.