Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of May 22, 2019

6 years ago

101 Years Ago – May 23, 1918

40,000 young trout — Dr. Lowrey received from the State Fish Hatchery a consignment of 40,000 young trout, which he released in the water of the Presque Isle Stream.

75 Years Ago –  May25, 1944

Scholarship winner — Miss Lois G. Webber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Webber, formerly of Mapleton, a senior at Cony High School, Augusta, was named one of two winners in district 6 of the University of Maine State Scholarship Contest. The other winner of district 6 was William S. Wilson of Eastport. Miss Webber was active at high school in dramatics, athletics and chorus. She had served as vice president of her class, was a member of the school honor roll, and had been on the yearbook staff. She planned to use her scholarship at the University of Maine to study sociology.

Fire Department gift — John Mooney, a Spragueville farmer, was presented a purse of money by the Presque Isle Fire Department. Mooney, whose barn burned, was a member of the Fire Department from 1890 to 1907. The Spragueville resident expressed himself as most appreciative of the gift, and stated that no member of the present Department was a member when he was. He was also grateful to Finch Park for a gift of poultry.

50 Years Ago –  May 21, 1969

Helicopter repair — Army Private David A. Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Montford F. Hill of Presque Isle, completed the AH-IG helicopter repair course at the Army Transportation School, Ft. Eustis, VA, April 10. The eight-week course provided a working knowledge of the organizational, direct and general support maintenance of the AH-IG helicopter. Pvt. Hill entered the Army in October 1968 and was last stationed at Ft. Dix, N.J. The 19-year-old soldier graduated in 1967 from Presque Isle High School.

25 Years Ago –  May 25, 1994

Honoring excellence — Members of the Aroostook County Legislative Delegation presented SAD 1 officials with a signed legislative sentiment, honoring Presque Isle High School for being named the best high school in Maine by Redbook magazine. Rep. James Donnelly presented superintendent of schools Gehrig Johnson with the framed document in the presence of PIHS principal Richard Durost, Rep. Mary MacBride and Sen. Leo Kieffer.

Honored for service — An employee appreciation luncheon was held May 9 at the University of Maine, Presque Isle. President W. Michael Easton recognized employees and presented them with university rocking chairs for achieving certain career milestones. Honored for 25 years of service were Dr. Royal L. Goheen, Dr. William J. Davidshofer, Herb Nightingale, Ervin T. Smith and Dr. Guilford E. Moreau.

Kimballs recognized at USM banquet — Sisters Roselea and Elizabeth Kimball of Easton were honored as two of 32 William B. Wise Scholar-Athletic Award winners by the University of  Southern Maine Department of Athletics. The Presque Isle High School graduates earned the honor for their work both in the classroom and on the playing field during the 1992-93 school year. The awards were presented during a ceremony on April 29 at USM’s Hill Gymnasium. The awards were given annually to those full-time students who maintained a 3.0 or better grade point average for the academic year and were members of at least one varsity athletic team.