Former Connecticut governor Dannel Malloy to lead University of Maine System

6 years ago

The former governor of Connecticut, Dannel Malloy, will replace James Page as University of Maine System chancellor.

The unanimous board of trustees vote appointing Malloy was the conclusion of a year-long search for a new leader of the university system.

 Malloy will take over the day after Page retires on June 30.

“My time in electoral politics is over, but I am still passionate about providing public service leadership that matters,” Malloy in a statement. “Maine has set a national example for public higher education reform, and I am eager to work with the board, the presidents, faculty, staff, and university supporters to build on this progress for Maine’s learners.”

Malloy has been in public service and leadership roles for 22 years, including his two terms as governor of Connecticut from 2010 to 2018. He chose not to seek re-election in 2018.

“We have made great progress under Chancellor Page’s leadership. We needed to be sure our leadership succession planning and national search for a new chancellor produced a leader with the experience and skills to continue and expedite our progress,” said Sam Collins, Trustee and chair of the search committee.

This story will be updated.

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