Why pets rule

Gloria J. Towle, Special to The County
6 years ago

Even though “spring” is dragging its heels this year, we at the Central Aroostook Humane Society are getting ready for our annual “Paws for the Cause” Walk.  

This fun and popular event will happen on Saturday, June 1, with registration starting at 9:30 a.m. and the walk at 10. Starting at the shelter, it’s a very simple jaunt around the Presque Isle Industrial Park and then back for refreshments and prizes.  There is a $5 donation fee if pledges aren’t collected. We hope you will bring your four-legged family member or just bring yourself and enjoy some fresh air and exercise.

This week we share this humorous look at why life with pets may have some advantages.

Humor by Angie Pollock

Kids vs. Pets

“It doesn’t take long to comprehend that those months of being kicked from the inside out, keeping you awake at night and bouts of heartburn were just the beginning of what was to come.  From temper tantrums to hormonal teens, each day I learn to appreciate my pets more and more. Sure, kids have their advantages, but there are some reasons why pets are better than kids.

“Food — Kids cost more to feed than pets and rarely will a pet turn his nose up at what is put in front of him. When was the last time a kid could be fed on $50 a month or less? Even school lunches cost more than that for one kid. You will never hear your pet say “not meatloaf again.” Pets learn early on that beggars can’t be choosers.  Your pet will also not drink from the milk carton and put it back in the fridge empty.

“Bad days — A pet doesn’t care if you are having a bad day — physically, mentally, or emotionally. They are happy to see you as soon as you arise from bed — morning breath included. No matter your appearance or mood, your pet will love you unconditionally. Kids on the other hand will tell you “go take a shower, grumpy.”

“Money — This is a no-brainer. Pets are much cheaper than kids. No college, no gadgets, no clothes, no cars or insurance. Even if you paid for your pet’s obedience class, a few toys, a cute hat, collar and leash, and pet health insurance cost differences are huge. And it’s highly unlikely that your pet will ask for money to take his girlfriend on a date Friday night.

“Obedience — ‘Here boy’ or ‘Here, kitty kitty.’ Most pets will come when called. Try calling for your 16-year old daughter while she’s texting her best friend. You may get a “What?” yelled across the house if you get a reply at all. And scolding is a whole other ballgame.

“A pet doesn’t need a baby sitter and can save you money. You don’t need to take them to daycare, preschool, and as a different species, they are unlikely to share colds or other viruses with you as children do.

“And finally there is pregnancy. You can have your pet spayed or neutered to prevent them from reproducing. Ah, the joys of no babies crying and no poop to clean up — neighbor’s grass included. A simple trip to the vet and your pet no longer has any interest in sex. And if for some reason your pet does become pregnant, you can always give away the offspring to the neighbors.”   

Remember to stop by for our Paws Walk on June 1.  Check us out on Facebook or stop by the Central Aroostook Humane Society.  We are open Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., closing for lunch from 12 to 12:30.  

Please be responsible and have your pets spayed and neutered.

Gloria J. Towle is the secretary and a member of the board of directors of the Central Aroostook Humane Society.