MDIFW seeks public comment on fishing rule

6 years ago

AUGUSTA, Maine — The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is proposing a change to the general law for fishing regulations in the North Region, which includes Aroostook as well as Franklin, Somerset, Piscataquis and northern portions of Oxford and Penobscot counties.

The rule aims to further protect wild trout waters, including tributaries of heritage ponds. According to the department website, the current proposal, as amended following a previous public comment period, will prohibit use and possession of live fish as bait, except where designated by special rule, thereby reducing introductions of bait and other species into northern waters.

MDIFW officials said the proposal is now open for public comment, and they encourage residents to review the proposal and provide their thoughts, either by attending a public hearing at 4 p.m. on Monday, June 17, in Augusta, or via mail or email. Written comments will receive equal consideration to testimony given at the public hearing.

For more information about the proposal and how to submit comments, please visit: