Students support heart health

Karen Donato, special to the Houlton Pioneer Times, Special to The County
6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Second grade students at Houlton Elementary School jumped at the chance to fight heart disease and stroke. March 23 marked the 19th year that the students have participated in this event at HES.

“Jump Rope For Heart” is a community service learning program of the American Heart Association. It teaches the students the importance of developing heart-healthy habits. Being physically active can be fun and that by raising funds to support research and education they help save lives in our community and across the country.

Simon Madore, a second grade student at Houlton Elementary School, raised $400 for the American Heart Association and took home a gold medal for his efforts. The second grade students raised a total of $4,824.04 for the association.
(Courtesy of Karen Donato)

“Not only are we building healthier lives for our students, but our school has also received educational materials, jump ropes and gift certificates to purchase physical education equipment based on how much we have raised over the years,” said Shari Good, physical education teacher.

This event is more than just a fundraiser, it’s an opportunity for teachers, parents, and children to have an honest conversation about health, fitness, and establishing positive habits.

This year, the students raised $4,824 which, when added to 19 years of fundraising, amounts to $55,890. This year’s top fundraiser was Simon Madore. He raised $400 and took home a gold medal. This was one of many incentives provided by the American Heart Association.

This will be the last year for Good doing this program as she retires after 23 years in education.