Sorority elects officers

6 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Maine Torchbearer Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on May 16 at the home of Helene Bernard.

The Torchbearer Ritual was read for eligible members and new pins were distributed. Nancy Nichols received her new pin as being a member of Preceptor. Thank-you notes were read from the Hope and Justice Project and the Central Aroostook Humane Society in appreciation of the chapter’s recent donations. Notes were also shared from members who have recently been ill.

Nominations of officers for 2019-2020 were as follows: president, Judy Kenney; vice president, Bonnie Cowett; recording secretary, Ellen Helstrom; corresponding secretary, Cathy Walton; and treasurer, Jane Crouse.  

Happy Dollars were shared by Nancy Nichols, Judy Kenney, Helene Bernard, Lucy Adams and Tammy Walton. The 50-50 raffle was won by Linda Swett.

Refreshments were served by the social committee.

Jane Crouse will host a summer potluck at her camp on Scopan Lake on July 13 at noon.