From the Bunkers – Week of June 10, 2019

6 years ago

Maine is finally starting to warm up to our expectations. The rainy everyday weather pattern seems to have left and we’re getting that warmth we need for the grass to grow and heal itself from the long winter. The men on our crew are progressing along with catching up with the regular mowing schedule. The greens are looking good and rolling pretty quick.

This week launched the 2019 Men’s Twilight League schedule on Monday. The Jr. Golf Clinic for ages 6-14 will begin on June 24. Once again it will be led by Dave Grant and Bruce Nason. You can call the clubhouse, at 532- 2662, to have your future golf pros join the fun. The cost is $45 for the classes.

The Houlton High School Alumni Association four-person nine hole scramble is rapidly approaching. It will take place on Saturday July 6, beginning at 9 a.m. Call the proshop to sign up your team or individuals. And also be thinking about the annual County Open coming in early August.

The Lakeside Restaurant is going strong with full houses on theweekends and some special events also dotting the calendar. Chef Bill and host Nancy welcome all with a great crew to serve and excellent delicious food. Call Nancy at 694-9494 to make your dinner reservations.

With the weather becoming warmer and the sunlight lasting later into the evening, now is the time to get your summer golfing schedule started. And while you are out playing, I will call your attention to an addition on the course. We have a new memorial bench on the Ladies No. 2 tee box. It honors Don Collins, a past president and longtime volunteer and golfer. Stop by and pay your respects when you play through, and I will see you on the course.

Houlton Community Golf Course is located on 6 Country Club Drive in New Limerick. For more information on the course call 532-2662, email or visit their website