Houlton Criminal Docket, February 2019

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Houlton Courthouse during the month of February.

Bud L. Nason, 24, Island Falls: probation violation, probation partially revoked.

Bonnie L. Murphy, 63, Littleton: illegal importation of scheduled drugs, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $500 fine.

Marcus Asante, 23, Fitchburg, Mass.: murder, 35 years in prison, $2,274.40 restitution; robbery, 20 years in prison.

Darin Goulding, 29, Leominster, Mass.: felony murder, dismissed; robbery, 15 years all but four years and 239 days suspended, four years probation, $2,774.40 restitution.

David J. Izzo, 35, Houtlon: assault, $300 fine, 90 days in jail, $5,676.80 restitution; criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, four years in prison all suspended, two years probation, $5,676.80 restitution; assault, $300 fine, 90 days in jail.

Dillon D. Carmichael, 21, Houlton: unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 100 days in jail.

Lewis A. Boyce lll, 31, Ludlow: unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 100 days in jail.

Chelsea Putnam, 27, Houlton: probation violation, 60 days in jail, probation revoked.

Randy L.Smith, 61, Patten: probation violation,10 months in prison, probation partially revoked.

Nadene M. Vargas, 23, Houlton: domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $200 fine.

Christopher R. Bulley, 32, Newport News, Va.: assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $200 fine.

Matthew A. Perry, 32, Oakfield: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $500 fine, nine years in prison; unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $400 fine, nine months in prison; unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, two years in prison.

Jennifer Trotter, 35, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of methamphetamine, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed.

Joshua J. Merriam, 31, Bridgewater: unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, three years in prison, $120 restitution; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, six months in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 30 days in jail.

Rickey Caron, 25, Houlton: theft by receiving stolen property, 48 hours in jail, $40 restitution.

Branden Nason, 25, Mars Hill: domestic violence assault, 364 days in prison all but 14 days suspended, two years probation; assault, dismissed; criminal mischief, 48 hours in jail.

Matthew A. Perry, 32, Houlton: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, $1,000 fine, 17 years in prison all but nine years suspended, four years probation, $480 restitution; illegal importation of scheduled drugs, $500 fine, nine years in prison.

Jacob Hall, 32, Oakfield: eluding an officer, dismissed; driving to endanger, $575 fine, 10 days in jail, 60-day license suspension; failing to stop for an officer, 10 days in jail; burglary, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; criminal trespass, 364 days in prison all by 30 days suspended, one year probation, $1,000 restitution; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 30 days in jail.

Joshua J. Hall, 37, Oakfield: burglary, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; criminal trespass, 364 days in prison all but 30 days suspended, one year probation, $1,000 restitution; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 30 days in jail.

Zachary Z. McCarty, 26, New Limerick: assault, $300 fine.

Joshua R. Jacobs, 29, Island Falls: criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, dismissed; criminal mischief, 96 hours in jail; threatening display of weapon, six months in jail all but 96 hours suspended, one year probation.

Brandon T. McAfee, 29, Houlton: driving to endanger, $575 fine, 30-day license suspension.

Dylan D. Shields, 20, Hodgdon: OUI (alcohol) $500 fine, 48 hours in jail, 150-day license suspension.

Matthew A. Perry, 32, Oakfield: violating condition of release, one year in prison.

Lucas S. Worster, 19, Corinth: operating after habitual offender revocation, $500 fine, $500 suspended, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Teddie Jean Tremblay, 23, Patten: unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, nine months and one day in prison, $240 restitution; unlawful possession of heroin, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed; unlawful possession of fentanyl powder, dismissed.

Joshua J. Merriam, 31, Bridgewater: failing to report, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Randy L. Smith, 61, Patten: trafficking in prison contraband, 10 months in prison, $120 restitution.

Benjamin Cyr, 41, Houlton: trafficking in prison contraband, one year in prison all suspended, two years probation.

Joshua J. Merriam, 31, Bridgewater: trafficking in prison contraband, two years in prison; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Justin Ramsey, 26, Dyer Brook: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Betty Cottle, 30, Houlton: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 15 days in jail.

Michael Gogan Jr., 34, Houlton: OUI (alcohol), $500 fine, 48 hours in jail, 150-day license suspension.

Martina Elliott, 25, Houlton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, six months in jail all but 30 days suspended, one year probation; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

David Kotsikoros, 35, Bangor: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Tony Quint, 50, Houlton: operating ATV under influence over 21, $400 fine, 48 hours in jail.

Chelsea Putnam, 27, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, dismissed.

Brian Gilpatrick, 22, Haynesville: assault, $300 fine, seven days in jail; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, 48 hours in jail.

Amber Bulley, 36, Houlton: disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place, $200 fine.

Martina Elliott, 25, Houlton: violating condition of release, dismissed

Joshua Merriam, 31, Houlton: criminal mischief, six months in jail, $1,749 restitution; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, one year in prison; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Travis Fitzpatrick, 36, Hammond Twp.: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $300 fine; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Amy L. Archer, 34, Hammond Twp.: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.

Alyssa Falanka, 21, Bangor: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Betty Jean Cottle, 30, Houlton: domestic violence assault, seven days in jail.

Adam Miller, 32, Linneus: attaching false plates, $250 fine.

Tony T. Clayton, 40, Easton: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.

Devin M. Skehan, 19, Houlton: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250 fine.

Rebecca Dickinson, 52, Houlton: domestic violence assault, 72 hours in jail.

Crystal Stewart, 24, Littleton: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Betty Jean Cottle, 30, Houlton: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; violating condition of release, 15 days in jail; violating condition of release, seven days in jail.

Caleb R. Tremblay, 29, Patten: obstructing government administration, 48 hours in jail.

Cynthia Burley, 38, Patten: failure to provide correct name, address, date of birth, 48 hours in jail; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force, 48 hours in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Robert Farlow Jr, 63, Dover: failure to give correct name, address, or DOB, 48 hours in jail; rule violation, duty status not current, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail; rule violation, operation after disqualified, $250 fine.

Jacob Taylor, 29, Houlton: violating protection from abuse order, 48 hours in jail.

Timothy M. Bolstridge, 36, Ashland: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 12 months in prison.

Branden A. Nason, 25, Mars Hill: violating condition of release, dismissed; violating protection from abuse order, seven days in jail.

Teresa Moore, 34, Houlton: criminal trespass, 72 hours in jail; disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place, 42 hours in jail; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force, 42 hours in jail.

Robert O. Jackson, 52, Castle Hill: violating condition of release, dismissed; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Giovanni Lopez, 25, Wade: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 48 hours in jail, $2 restitution.

Anthony R. Whittaker, 46, Houlton: failure to register vehicle, $100 fine.

Jacob D. Wood, 27, Houlton: criminal threatening, 48 hours in jail.

Kyle Williams, 30, Houlton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, seven days in jail.

Devin M.  Skehan, 19, Houlton: minor consuming liquor, $200 fine.

Evan S. Hall, 30, Ludlow: failure to provide and display registration, $100 fine.

Nicholas F. Botting, 21, Houlton: minor possessing liquor, $200 fine.

John R. Garnett, 25, Dennysville: violating snowmobile noise level, $100 fine.

Layne McNally, 21, Sherman: marijuana: under 21 years of age, $350 fine.

Thomas J. Barden, 34, North Jay: checking cusk lines, $100 fine.