Catholic Women meet – Week of June 10, 2019

Alta Reardon, Correspondent, Special to The County
6 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the Parish Center at 5:30 on June 3, 2019, for their end-of-the-year banquet.  Members enjoyed a delicious meal catered by the Knights of Columbus. There were 13 members and guest, Lynette Dobb, present, as well as Father Kent, Deacon Al, and K of C members Paul Klein and Wes Tabb.

Following the meal,  President Sue Hardy called the business meeting to order.  Ethel Mersereau read the minutes of the May meeting. The treasurer’s report was given by Jane Mitchell.  Historian Jane Stile had a display of scrapbooks from 1939 to 2019.

Deacon Al, Paul Klein and Wes Tabb were called in and given a round of applause for the wonderful meal they prepared.

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women recently installed officers for 2019-2020.  New officers, from left, are: Jane Mitchell, treasurer; Janet Barker, president; and Kathy Klein, treasurer.
(Courtesy of Alta Reardon)

Due to circumstances beyond our control, HCCW will not be having our annual rummage sale this year.

MDCCW will have a meeting in Skowhegan on June 29, 2019.

HCCW offered a Mass for all military and homeland security personnel at 8 a.m. on Sunday, June 9.  Ethel Mersereau and Jane Stile took the gifts to the altar. Another Mass will be offered at 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 22.  Sue Hardy and Janet Barker will take the gifts to the altar.

Birthdays and anniversaries were noted for June, July and August.  Prayer requests were gathered and Kathy Klein led in a decade of the Rosary.

Following the meeting, installation of officers for 2019-2020 was held.  Lynette Dobbs installed Janet Barker as president, Jane Mitchell as treasurer and Kathy Klein as secretary.   Incoming vice president, Mary Grant, was not in attendance.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Sep. 3, 2019, due to Monday being a holiday. We will be having a pot luck supper at 5:30.  All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.