Caribou area From Our Files – Week of June 10, 2019

6 years ago

115 Years Ago – June 15,  1904

Trip Hon. George W. Irving made a business trip to Bangor Monday, where he went on one of the committees to consult B&A officials in regard to better shipping facilities for potatoes.

100 Years Ago -June 18, 1919

Fish Supt. L.M. Alley placed 10,000 young trout in the Mitchell Brook last week.

75 Years Ago – June 15, 1944

Seventy-six at Nylander — The Nylander Museum has been open the past two Sundays with an attendance of 76. It might be of interest to note the fossilized rock, taken from the Gaspe Peninsula, which dates back to the Devonian period, some thousands of years ago. Those who are interested in Geology might wish to see the volcanic rock which has come from various mountains in Aroostook County, Greenlaw Mountain, Hedgehog, Mapleton area, Bendickta area, and other points.

50 Years Ago -June 18, 1969

Mr. Wieden to speak at Midsommar Festival — Dr. Clifford Wieden, president emeritus of Aroostook State College, will be the guest speaker at the annual New Sweden Midsommar Festival at the Gustaf Adolph Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 23. Other highlights of the event will be musical selections by the New Sweden Band under the direction of Henry Anderson. A special feature, the Swedish Maypole Dance will be presented by Mrs. Monica Soderberg of Caribou and a group of girls who have been learning Swedish dances under her direction.

Washburn  Man Heads Honor Unit The Spring meeting of the Aroostook County Chapter of the National Honor Society was held at the Washburn District Highschool. Following dinner, Sheldon Richardson of Washburn was introduced as a guest speaker. This was followed by the election of officers for the year 1969-1970. Robert Blackstone of Washburn was elected president. Beth Blanchard of Mars Hill was elected vice president, and Debby Shaw of Ashland, secretary-treasurer, Terry Chalou of Ashland presided over the meeting.

25 Years Ago – June 15, 1994

For Special Olympics Area law enforcement officers, participated in the Maine Law Enforcement Special Olympics annual Torch Run recently. The northern leg of the run began in Fort Kent early Thursday morning, June 7. Maine State Trooper Kim Espling and Maine Game Warden Fred Jackson, weathered the drizzling rain and ran in the Caribou area for the special fundraiser. Other law enforcement officers who participated in the run were Caribou Police Officers, Kevin St.Peter, Doug Bell, Paul Vincent, and Maine State Trooper Darrell Pelletier. Vincent who organized the event in the Caribou area said $975 was raised to help area Plympians attend the June 10-12 summer games in Portland.