RSU 29 Superintendent receives state leadership award

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Ellen Halliday, RSU 29’s superintendent of schools, has received a statewide award for her dedication to her profession.

Halliday, who was nominated and selected by the Maine Superintendents Association, is the recipient of the 2019 Outstanding Leadership Award.

According to RSU 29 Chairman Fred Grant, the criteria for this award includes: leadership; professional service to the association; exemplary educational programs with which they have been associated in a leadership capacity; and service to the profession of education.

“I am very honored that they chose me,” Halliday said. “I have a great school district and great support from the school board, administration and staff. Plus we get to do some really neat things for the kids.”

Her nomination came from local superintendents who, in part, wanted to recognize Halliday’s efforts and leadership with the regional bus garage, alternative education program, district consolidation efforts, and educational leadership.

“It is great that other educational leaders recognize the significant effort and skill needed to complete the work she has undertaken,” Grant said. “She has accomplished these projects and done so quietly, without fanfare, while successfully balancing her other responsibilities.  Coordination of one project would prove challenging for most and she has accomplished three. Beyond her regionalization efforts she has also created and submitted our application for a new elementary school which, in itself, is a significant undertaking.”