Houlton Elementary School second graders visit Cary Library

Karen Donato, Special to The County
6 years ago

Houlton Elementary School second graders visited with children’s librarian, Haley Jipson at Cary Library. While there, they listened to her read several books to them. She showed them around the various parts of the library and invited them to participate in the summer reading program. (Courtesy of Karen Donato)

HOULTON, Maine — Second grade students from Houlton Elementary School took a 45-minute walk from their school on South Street to the Cary Library in Monument Park during the final week of school.

The 100 students split into two groups over two days and met with the children’s librarian, Haley Jipson, to learn about the local library and about the summer reading program offered to the children of greater Houlton.

Students who had brought in registration cards from home were allowed to have their photo taken and receive their clearance to check out books. Others were allowed to choose a book under their teacher’s name and keep it at school for a few days.

The reading program offers a great opportunity to maintain the student’s reading fluency and comprehension, while meeting the goals of the program and receiving awards.

For more information contact head librarian, Linda Faucher, Jipson or any of the office workers at the library at 532-1302.