Relay for Life event coming this weekend

6 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — Hundreds of cancer survivors, caretakers, and volunteers will come out to the Caribou High School track this Saturday and raise money for the American Cancer Society.

The event is scheduled for 11 a.m.-11 p.m. June 22, and will consist of several teams selling food, crafts and other items for their fundraising efforts. Music will be provided by an assortment of Northern Star contestants, DJ Frank, and Bangor-based Low Talker.

Last year, relay teams raised nearly $50,000 for cancer research. It also marked the first year in which the time of the event was moved from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., a schedule that proved to be popular amongst teams, volunteers and guests.

Some teams already have raised a significant amount of money with McCain Searching For a Cure at $12,980 as of June 17 and teams UMPI Owls — We Give a Hoot and Brain Power — at $9,909 and $8,507, respectively.

Altogether, $48,401.78 has been raised as of Monday.

During the relay event, teams made up of survivors, families, friends and caregivers will walk or run laps on the track, relay style, with the goal of raising funds to support free programming for cancer patients and families as well as research.

“I think it is a common misconception that you can only participate in Relay For Life if you are on a team and walk or run the track for 12 hours,” said Jordyn Madore, co-chairperson of this year’s Relay For Life of Aroostook.

“Walking is key part of Relay, but our event wouldn’t be possible without the support of the community and we are encouraging everyone to stop by and experience Relay first hand,” she said.

The event is also scheduled to feature speeches from local cancer survivors Heather Fox and Ken Atcheson at 5 p.m. in addition to a Luminaria lighting ceremony to honor those lost to cancer.

Event organizers say it’s never too late to register as last year a team signed up the day before the event. Those interested in getting involved can register online or by contacting Stacey Duran at 949-1988 or