Hodgdon passes liquor referendum

6 years ago

HODGDON, Maine — Beer and liquor will be permissible at establishments in Hodgdon for the first time in the town’s nearly 200-year history after a June 11 referendum vote..

Voters approved the sale of liquor to be consumed on premises with a vote of 67 in favor and 37 opposed. Liquor, however, still will not be allowed to be consumed at establishments on Sundays under the new law.

“I thought the vote would have been closer,” Town Manager Jim Griffin said. “The Board of Selectmen will still have to OK liquor licenses each year.”

The measure was brought to the voters after the town was approached by Gino Seiders, owner of Seiders Hill-Top Lanes bowling alley, who expressed interest in selling alcohol at his business.

According to Griffin, one other business, Hidden Spring Winery, has been allowed to serve wine at 1057 White Settlement Road because it is a winery, producing their product on site. However, beer and other liquor could not be served at the business in the past. That could change in the future if the owners apply for such a license.