TOPS – Week of June 17, 2019

6 years ago

TOPS held its last two meetings on May 31 and June 7 at the Aldergate Building on Kelleran Street in Houlton.  

On May 31, there were eight TOPS and five KOPS present. The loser of the week was Barbara Whited and the runner-up was Denise Clark. Good job, ladies. Denise Clark won the                                   skinny dish and Barbara Troy won the 50/50.

The group looked ahead to the June 8 workshop.  With Brenda Lacostic leading us, we’ve made many tea cups look festive, some with real plants and some with fake ones. Thank you, Brenda.

Members are expected to travel from Fort Kent down through to Lincoln and Millinocket.

On June 7, the loser of the week was Barbara Whited and the runner-up was Barbara Troy. Good job, ladies.

The health basket was won by Joanne Scott. The skinny dish was won by Betty Wyman and the 50/50 was won by Marsha Reed. Congratulations.

Charlotte Marley has a great contest going. It’s easy and fun. She said there are two of us who may win next week. Don’t know who they are. Maybe we’ll find a winner this week.

We are meeting in a different location for the month of June, so for more information call me, Pam Richardson, at 538-8760. Come join us.