Mapleton Daze kicks off tonight

6 years ago

Mapleton Daze is here.  Tonight is the bike rodeo at the Mapleton Elementary School Parking lot at 6 p.m. followed by the Family Movie Night featuring “A Dog’s Way Home” at the Mapleton Lions Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Northern Light A.R. Gould Hospital will furnish the popcorn and water for refreshments.

Program brochures for Mapleton Daze are available at the Mapleton Town Office, Mapleton One Stop and the Mapleton Diner.  In the meantime, please check out all the events on the Mapleton Daze Facebook event page. 

Mapleton Daze events

Thursday, June 27

Tomorrow night Impact Auto will sponsor the Woodie Waddell Memorial Cribbage Tournament and the community Bingo games starting at 6 p.m.  Both events are free and open all who desire to participate. Lots of prizes for all ages will be given away to the winners.

Friday, June 28

On June 28, Mapleton Daze host sponsors, the Mapleton Lions Club, will host one of two fundraising dinners during Daze.  Their annual chicken barbecue starts at 5 p.m. and continues until all 300 dinners have been sold. As a special bonus for attending the barbecue, anyone purchasing a meal will receive a $1 off coupon for entry into the Northern Maine Fair.

Two church groups will supply dessert treats at the barbecue.  The Mapleton United Methodist Women will be at the Lions Hall with their selection of 20 or more kinds of homemade pies, and the Mapleton Baptist Church Youth Group will have a variety of homemade ice creams to turn your pie into a la mode.  

The annual fireworks show will start at 9 p.m.  The Mapleton Baptist Church will be selling 3D glasses for viewing the fireworks.  Ice cream will be available for purchase.

Saturday, June 29

On Saturday morning, there are two breakfasts from which to choose.   A most unusual breakfast is the Breakfast with a View hike to the top of Haystack, where hikers can enjoy breakfast at the top.  This breakfast hike is being sponsored by Aroostook County Action Program 5-2-1-0 Let’s Go!, Aroostook County Health Network (ACHN).

Last year, the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill churches held their first free breakfast and based on its success they bring it back this year.  Everyone is invited to come down to the Mapleton Post Office parking lot for free breakfast sandwiches and refreshments at 7 a.m., ending just prior to the start of the Mapleton Daze parade.  They will have free drawings and fun stuff for the kids. The breakfast is a totally free event — no donations accepted or allowed.  

Also the churches will hold a “Fill the Truck” effort to collect non-perishable food items for the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Food Cupboard located at the town office.  The truck will be in the Mapleton Daze Parade with church volunteers assisting those who wish to donate.

At 9:30 a.m., the annual Mapleton Daze Parade will form on the Dudley Road and begin marching at 10 a.m. and end at the Mapleton School.  Children riding decorated bicycles in the parade will form up on the road to Mapleton Pool. When the parade reaches them, the children on bicycles or in wagons and carriages will join and lead the parade through downtown Mapleton to the school.  

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Mapleton Historical Society will hold its annual homemade pie and ice cream social (yes, the ice cream is homemade as well) at the Haystack Historical Museum.  For lovers of grape-nut ice cream, there will be plenty to be placed on top of your choice of 15 different kinds of pie. Free coffee will be available.

Following the parade, the Mapleton Daze fun activities will begin at the Mapleton Elementary School.  From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. there will be a giant bounce house and from Extreme GForce a 22-foot rock wall/slide and giant jousting/boxing arena will  also be available. There will be a photo booth, free cotton candy and food vendors serving hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, ice cream and much more.  There will also be craft vendors at the school. Molly the Trolley will give three tour rides through Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill to give riders an opportunity to learn about historical and special sites in the three towns.

At 3 p.m., Several raffles will occur.  There will be bike raffles and tickets will be on sale for an additional prize of a large patio/backyard fire pit. Throughout the weekend, Mapleton Daze memorabilia will be available for purchase.

Then on Saturday evening, the Lions Club will hold a fundraising baked ham and bean dinner.  Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy a relaxing dinner and visit with neighbors and friends.

The Mapleton Daze Committee will host their first variety show at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, at the Lions Hall.  The committee seeks dancers, singers, comedy acts, musicians, jugglers and more. If you are interested in supporting Mapleton Daze by participating in the variety, then send an email to either or for an application today!  Prizes will be awarded in several age categories.

Sunday, June 30

Additionally, the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill churches invite folks to come and enjoy an evening of inspiration and fun for all ages featuring desserts and the magic of Brad Brown.  

Brown is an internationally known Christian magician who has a heart for ministry. His show combines his side-splitting comedy and mind-blowing magic to engage and entertain audiences while clearly presenting gospel truth. The show is free.  Doors open at the Mapleton Lions Hall at 5:30 p.m. 

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at