Burger Boy gearing up for annual car show

6 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — The Burger Boy parking lot soon will be lined with vintage and modern vehicles alike for the retro restaurant’s car show taking place from noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 7.

Burger Boy owner Spenser Ouellette said car enthusiasts hoping to join in just need to pull in on Sunday and “someone will be there to greet you at the entrance and tell you where to park.”

“There is no need to register ahead of time,” he said, adding that “all are welcome.”

This year, one lucky registrant will have the chance to win a gas barbecue grill and Ouellette said the establishment plans on offering some special deals on food and some offerings for kids in attendance as well.

“Come check out the nice cars,” said Ouellette. “We will have people from all around Aroostook County, and some coming up from downstate who bring their cars and family. It’s going to be a nice time and a good opportunity to get to learn more about both classic and newer cars.”