Tiger basketball camp will start Monday

6 years ago

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine — The date for this year’s 33rd annual Tiger Basketball Camp Boys Week in Fort Fairfield has been set for July 8 to 12. The camp is for boys who have just come out of grades 1-8. 

Ben Teer, international basketball personal trainer, will be at the camp on Monday, July 8, to work with all the campers who are attending. There is no extra charge for these training sessions, as it is part of the Tiger Basketball Camp fee. 

Teer will also do a special two-hour intense training session from 6 to 8 p.m. on the evening of July 8 for the first 40 highschool girls to register. This rare workout session will provide an opportunity for players to develop their individual skills to improve their games. 

The boys camp will be limited to the first 125 applicants and will be held at the Fort Fairfield High School gymnasiums. The camp will run from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The camp will include breakfast and lunch each day with a special barbecue lunch for campers and their families on “Championship Friday.” 

Each participant will also receive a “Tiger” Basketball T-shirt and camp basketball. According to Tiger Coach Larry Gardner, “We have the best staff available to help teach your son the game of basketball in a positive and competitive way.”

The camp fee of $150, with family discounts available, includes the camp instruction, meals, awards, camp T-shirt and basketball, as well as the ending “Family Barbecue” awards night. 

The fee for the special Monday girls session is $20 per participant.

To register or for more information contact Coach Gardner at 207-551-5001 or email him at lgardner@msad20.org.