Beating boredom this summer

6 years ago

“I’m bored, there’s nothing to do.” It is a phrase that my wife and I simply do not tolerate in our household during the summer months. And why should we?

Now that school is out, the freedom of summer vacation should be a liberating time for youths. But for some, the structure and activities that school presents are hard to replicate during the hazy, lazy days of summer. 

I am sure it will only be a matter of time before our youngest attempts to utter these words. And when this happens, I am positive my wife will be quick to come up with any number of chores she could be doing.

After reciting a few ideas, like organizing your clothes drawers or helping with the laundry, my daughter usually decides she really was not so bored after all and either rushes over to a friend’s house or heads to the backyard to bounce on the trampoline.

Growing up, summer vacation was a magical time of staying outside all day, riding my bicycle to a friend’s house for impromptu games of Wiffle Ball or down to the local corner store to fill our pockets with “penny candy.”

Once I was old enough to work, summer vacation evolved into me spending 40 hours a week trying to make money so I could purchase comic books or the latest compact disc from one of my favorite bands. Also, much of my money was spent putting gas in the car so that I could drive around after work listening to that music I had just bought at ridiculously loud volumes.

Today though, times have changed. “There’s nothing to do in [insert name of any town in Aroostook County]” is a phrase that seems to be popular with the younger generation, particularly on social media where it is much easier to complain than to physically do something.

For those ages 18 and older, complaining there is “nothing” happening in your respective towns should be a clue that perhaps you should either look harder, or better yet, step up and volunteer to help run events that you would like to see.

While it is always easier to sit back and complain, being proactive can have surprising results if one only offers their assistance. In every community, there are events going on if one simply looks for them. Or better yet, get outside and enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer. 

We waited all winter long for warmer weather to arrive, so now that it is finally here, make the most of it.

Joseph Cyr is the assistant editor/senior reporter for Northeast Publishing, a division of Bangor Daily News. He can be reached at (207) 532-2281 or via email at