County, N.B. teams hit links for cancer patients

6 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, MaineCaring Area Neighbors for Cancer Education and Recovery (C-A-N-C-E-R) held its 20th annual golf tournament on Saturday, June 22, at the Presque Isle Country Club.

In all, 38 four-person teams from Presque Isle, Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Fort Kent, Mars Hill, Ashland, Portage and Island Falls, along with St. Quentin and Woodstock, N.B., participated.

All proceeds from the event benefit C-A-N-C-E-R’s outreach to assist County cancer patients and their families. 

The following teams emerged victorious.

  Mens Low Gross, score of 59:  Clay Halliday, Warren Walker, Steve Merry and Ben Walker.

Mens Low Net, score of 55:  Eric Miller, Tony Roy, Tyler Proulx and Jared Duggan.

Ladies Low Gross, score of 75:  Cecilia McLellan, Libby Boone, Wendy Boucher and Jennifer Flynn.

Ladies Low Net, score of 62:  Betty Deveau, Jan Beaulieu, Brenda Theriault and Diane Boyd.