Caribou Daughters of Isabella hold June meeting, break for summer

Bea Pirie, Special to The County
6 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — The Daughters of Isabella, Holy Rosary Circle 638, recently held their last meeting until fall.  They began the evening with an Ice Cream Social, headed by Tammy Nadeau, Gail Hjort and Adeline Beaulieu.   

Rita Worley received the 50/50 raffle. June’s birthday daughter was Louis Bescia; no birthday daughter present for July and Rita Worley is August birthday daughter. Small gifts were given and “Happy Birthday” was sung. 

Chaplain Fr. Agustin shared a message with the Circle.  He will be leaving July 1st to begin a new assignment in Kennebunkport/Wells/Ogunquit.  Please keep him in your prayers; he will be praying for us, too.  We must all work together for the Church.

Regent Elaine Haines called meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.

Chancellor Elizabeth Long led the Opening Prayer; the ‘Ode’ was sung and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Our chancellor shared the June reflection, which focused on the Fifth Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion. Roll Call of Officers was conducted with 5 out of 19 absent.

Recording Secretary Jeanine Morneault presented the May minutes, which were accepted as read.

Communications for the month included:  Thank you note from Maine Veterans Home Admissions Coordinator Peggy Gagnon, LSW, who thanked the Circle for allowing her to attend our May meeting and share info about her role at MVH.  Letter from International was read. Regent Susanne Suchy stated, “This is a time of many beginnings following Easter: Christ’s Resurrection, new spring growth, ridding of winter doldrums.”  She shared about her United States trips to Daughters of Isabella Circles. She asked us to pray for all our deceased. Also mentioned was that work will be proceeding on improving technology for our organization.

Regent Elaine shared that Bea Pirie would like to continue as our scribe.  Upon receiving minutes for April, May and June, she will compose a new article.

Four Layettes were handed out to Cary Medical Center, as reported by Gail Hjort.

   Cards were sent to Omerine Cyr, Fr. Agustin, Jean and Rich Nadeau (Eleanor Gagnon’s daughter), Sonia Labbe, Arlene St. Peter and Ruth Getchell.  Cards will be sent to Liz Beaulieu, Josephine St. Peter and Claudette Boucher. Teena Sirois shared that Sandy Gagnon is now living at the CRNH, Room #315.

Prayer Line Requests:  Diane Saucier’s family, especially her daughter Natalie Beaulieu.

The april winner of the 40-Week Club was Nancy Saucier.

The regent reminded everyone to continue praying the Rosary for the 31 Club and for our seminarians.  

Carson Michaud, nephew of member Iris Pelletier, received the 2019 Book Scholarship.

Anyone wanting a Discount Card please contact one of the Daughters.

Regent Elaine thanked Tammy Nadeau and Gail Hjort for preparing the Mother’s Day Themed Basket for the State Convention.

Long-service Award pins: Many are eligible to receive either the 25-, 40- or 50-year pins. We are able to get these pins, but they are more costly as International is using this as a fund-raiser.  Are we willing to look at purchasing even to get us caught up and have a few on hand? After much discussion, Rena Lagasse motioned to purchase these; second by Dolores Martin; all in favor.

The circle voted to present Fr. Agustin a farewell gift with a card.

Regent Elaine read a prepared report sharing her thoughts about State Convention 2019.

– Theme H (Hears) O (Optimism) P (Peace) E (Empowerment).

– State Regent Martha Dufour spoke about declining membership, many due to death.

Circles have been busy with many religious activities, financial donations and countless hours of service. 

– No changes to the State Standing Rules but a small change to State Internal Rules.

– Voted to have two one-day workshops for top nine officers, one in northern region and the other in the central/eastern part of the state.

– Three charities for proceeds from theme baskets were Mizpah, Courage Lives and Alpha Pregnancy.

– Winner of Essay Contest is Cynthia Ayotte from Van Buren, daughter of Cecile Roy.

– All are encouraged to pray the Prayer for Increased Membership. 

– Next off-year workshop to be held in Lincoln; hoping to have next State Convention in central part of Maine.

– The circle received the Cross and Crown Award for their scrapbook highlighting the many activities this past year. Many theme baskets came to Aroostook County (Annette Hull – Fort Fairfield – Jelly and Jams basket; Mary Ellen Field – Caribou – Taste of Italy basket; Kim Theriault – Presque Isle – State of Maine basket; Leah Girardin – Presque Isle – Nuts basket; Van Buren Circle – Reader’s Digest basket). Caribou’s basket was won by Martha Thibodeau from St. Rasle Circle.

Lastly, she shared the importance of participation in the 40-Week Club; not only does one have the chance to win monthly or at year-end, each participating circle receives profit for each member who does participate. 

Regent Elaine thanked us for sending her as delegate to conventionPast Regent Mary Ellen Field shared that our regent represented our Circle very nicely at the convention and that she was a good sport.

Totus Tuus 2019, the group voted to donate towards a scholarship.

Officers for the next two years will remain the same, except Mary Ellen will become regent and Elaine Haines will be past regent.

Good of the Order: Dolores Martin commented that Regent Elaine’s report on convention would suffice for the Good of the Order for the evening.

Chancellor Long led closing prayer.