Caribou Daughters of Isabella hold May 2019 meeting

6 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine — With May, the smell of summer is in the air.  Also, the smell of a delicious potluck meal was in the air when the Daughters of Isabella, Holy Rosary Circle 638, held their May 7 meeting.  Our meeting began with a Potluck meal.  Chancellor Elizabeth Long led meal grace. What a great meal thanks to our wonderful cooks and all had a nice social time with old and new friends.  Winner of the 50/50 raffle was Robin Fortin. Rita Worley was winner of the flower bouquet. May Birthdays – Birthday girls present were Sharon Perreault and Priscilla Foley who both received small birthday gifts. ‘Happy Birthday was sung for all daughters who have May birthdays.

Regent Elaine Haines called meeting to order at 6:45 PM. Guest Speaker was Peggy Gagnon, LSW, from the Maine Veterans Home.  She serves as the Resident Services Coordinator. Peggy shared her role and explained the application process for residency there and services provided.

The Draping of the Charter for Eleanor Gagnon led by Regent Elaine Haines, Chancellor Long and Priscilla Foley who stepped in for Past Regent Mary Ellen Field. “O What Could My Jesus Do More?’ was sung. Regent Haines thanked all who attended services for deceased member Eleanor Gagnon.  After this ceremony, all recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Our chancellor shared the May reflection, which focused on the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery, the Carrying of the Cross.

Roll Call of Officers was conducted with a result of 8 out of 19 absent.

Recording Secretary Jeanine Morneault presented April minutes.  Elizabeth Long motioned to accept as read with a second motion from Debbie Chabre;  all were in favor. Communications for May included: letter from Fr. Dave requesting monetary donations to offset costs for needs of Fr. Prabu.  Vi Cummings-Sirois motioned to make a donation, Rita Worley seconded the motion; all were in favor.  This is also a Corporal Work of Mercy. Letter from Sandy Breton of the St. Agnes Circle in Augusta was shared promoting activities from that Circle.

State Regent Martha Dufour sent a note of thanks for hosting 2019’s Queen Isabella Day. Regent Elaine received an e-mail indicating Jackie Dostie-Smith is currently in rehab in Augusta.  The Circle will send a card.

Four Layettes were handed out to Cary Medical Center.  Priscilla Foley donated some items for the layette project.

   Cards were sent to Sandy Gagnon, Karen Hayden, Jackie Dostie-Smith, Theresa Wunderlich, Bea Pirie, Sonia Labbe, Michelle Raymond, and Martha Dufour.  Cards will be sent to Fr. Agustin, Jean and Rich Nadeau (Eleanor Gagnon’s daughter) and Omerine Cyr. Prayer Line Requests include: the Corriveau family, Vi’s family, Mona St. Jean and Ashley Bergeron. The Circle had a winner from the 40-week Club; the winner was Gail Hjort. The Regent reminded the Circle to continue praying our Rosary for the 31 Club and for our seminarians.

Thank you to all involved in planning and those who attended the Queen Isabella Day.  Only received one applicant for our Scholarship, nephew of a member. There are still discount card to be sold. Tammy Nadeau will prepare our Mother’s Day Themed Basket for State Convention. Closing Prayer led by Chancellor Long and the praying of the Memorare.