Presque Isle Criminal Docket, March 2019

6 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Presque Isle Courthouse during the month of March.

     Kyle J. Gagnon, 32, Fort Fairfield: burglary, four years in prison all but 10 months suspended, two years probation.

     Robert W. Carney, 56, Presque Isle: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, $400 fine, six years in prison; aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, $400 fine, six years in prison; aggravated furnishing of scheduled, $400 fine, two years in prison; aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, $10,000 fine, 20 years in prison all but eight years suspended, four years probation. 

     Crystal J. Flewelling, 32, Houlton: theft by unauthorized use of property, $250 fine, $1,536.98 restitution.

     Joseph M. Neece, 52, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 30 days in jail, $8083.48 restitution.

     Corey White Sr., Easton: domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $200 fine.

     Jerry Ouellette, 57, Caribou: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 60 days in jail, $1,011.41 restitution.

     Gary Whitmore, 45, Ashland: domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $200 fine.

     Katrina M. Majkszak, 45, Ashland: domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $200 fine.

     Adrienne M. Reed, 34, Fort Fairfield: domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $100 fine.

     Seth D. Lockhart, 23, Fort Fairfield: sexual abuse of a minor, nine months in jail all but 30 days suspended, one year probation.

     Adam V. Jackson, 40, Mapleton: domestic violence assault, 60 days in jail.

     Adrienne M. Reed, 34, Fort Fairfield: domestic violence assault, dismissed; domestic violence assault, dismissed; obstructing report of crime, $250 fine; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine.

     Kathy M. York, 51, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 13 months in prison, probation revoked.

     Willie N. York, 37, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine, five days in jail; violating condition of release, five days in jail.

     Richard J. Churchill Jr., 27, Washburn: attaching false plates, seven days in jail; failure to register vehicle, seven days in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine, seven days in jail; attaching false plates, seven days in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine, seven days in jail.

     Derrick Milton Camp, 37, Ashland: domestic violence assault, 317 days in prison, probation revoked.

     Melinda L. Glesil, 25, Presque Isle: endangering the welfare of a child, 45 days in jail.

     Richard J Churchill Jr., 27, Washburn: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine, seven days in jail; failure to register vehicle, seven days in jail; attaching false plates, seven days in jail; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, seven days in jail.

     Amber D. Pulcifur, 34, Ashland: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, dismissed; aggravated operating meth laboratory – residence, dismissed.

     Landon Lovely, 25, Presque Isle: burglary, nine months in jail; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, three months in jail, $537.34 restitution; criminal mischief, dismissed; operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed; burglary, four years in prison all but nine months suspended, two years probation, $6750.13 restitution; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, nine months in jail; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, three months in jail; violating condition of release, three months in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, three months in jail.

     Trisha L. Carmichael, 44, Fort Fairfield: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, probation continued, no sentence imposed.

     Darci M. Webber, 34, Scarborough: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 30 days in jail.

     Denis M. Dube 3rd, 21, Caribou: operating meth laboratory, dismissed.

     Jacob J. Turner, 26, Chapman: violating condition of release, 14 days in jail.

     Gary A. Barton, 58, Presque Isle: operating under the influence (alcohol), $500 fine, 48 hours in jail, 150-day license suspension.

     Devin M. Michaud, 29, Presque Isle: OUI (alcohol), one prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail, three-year license suspension.

     Darci M. Webber, 34, Easton: theft by unauthorized use of property, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

     William Sanderson Jr., 31, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault, 11 months in prison all but 90 days suspended, two years probation.

     Christy L. Curry, 44, Wallagrass: misuse of identification, 10 days in jail; violating condition of release, 10 days in jail; misuse of identification, 10 days in jail; violating condition of release, 10 days in jail; misuse of identification, 10 days in jail; violating condition of release, 10 days in jail; misuse of identification, 10 days in jail; violating condition of release, 10 days of release.

     Cinderella Garvey, 54, Presque Isle: criminal trespass, $100 fine.

     Chad R. Bouchard, 29, Connor Twp.: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 48 hours in jail, $85 restitution; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

     Derrick Milton Camp, 37, Ashland: domestic violence terrorizing, priors, dismissed; domestic violence assault, priors, 317 days in prison; unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, dismissed.

     Kassie L. Patterson, 24, Bradford: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.

     Matthew Martin Beil ll, 24, Limestone: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, filed on $250 costs.

     Aimee D. Long, 42, Fort Fairfield: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, 30 days in jail.

     Trevor T. Graves, 33, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

     Timothy Layton, 36, Easton: criminal mischief, seven days in jail.

     Derrick Milton Camp, 37, Ashland: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

     Randy L. Fulton Sr., 50, Mars Hill: violating condition of release, 10 days in jail; reckless violation of protective order, dismissed; domestic violence assault, six months in jail all but 10 days suspended, one year probation; violating condition of release, 10 days in jail; violating protection from abuse order, 10 days in jail.

     Amber Bethany Stavnesli, 27, Limestone: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 20 days in jail.

     Aimee D. Long, 42, Fort Fairfield: OUI (alcohol), two priors, $1,100 fine, 30 days in jail, six-year license suspension, registration suspended; operating vehicle without license – conditions/restriction, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

     Christopher M. Paine, 43, East Brookfield, Mass.: hunting without valid license, $500 fine; unlawful possession wild animal or bird, dismissed.

     Benjamin R. Adams, 43, Mapleton: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, filed on $250 costs.

     Aimee D. Long, 42, Fort Fairfield: OUI (alcohol), two priors, $1,100 fine, one year in prison all but 30 days suspended, one year probation, six-year license and registration suspension; operating vehicle without license-conditions/restrictions, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

     Matthew Martin Beil ll, 24, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, filed on $250 costs.

     Robert W. Dobbins, 59, Presque Isle: unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, 18 months in prison all but 41 days suspended, one year probation, $379.94 restitution; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 30 days in jail, $259.94 restitution.

     Patrick Chamberland, 25, Madawaska: operating while license suspended or revoked, priors, filed on $100 costs.

     Melinda L. Glesil, 25, Presque Isle: domestic violence criminal threatening, dismissed.

     Amber D. Pulcifur, 34, Portage Lake: violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

     April Belanger, 38, Washburn: failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, dismissed; failing to make oral or written accident report, $300 fine. 

     Kassandra French, 26, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.

     Shane D. Sherwood, 19, Fort Fairfield: theft by unauthorized use of property, five days in jail; driving to endanger, $575 fine, five days in jail, 90 days license suspension; failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, dismissed.

     Bryant K. Press, 23, Smethport, Pa.: failure to stop snowmobile, dismissed.

     Jeffrey J. Chesebro, 54, Smethport, Pa.: failure to stop snowmobile, dismissed.

     Timothy D. Rooke, 30, Smethport, Pa.: failure to stop snowmobile, dismissed.

     Jordan M. Seefeldt, 22, Port Allegany, Pa.: failure to stop snowmobile, dismissed.

     Amanda A. Nappi, 30, Presque Isle: failure to register vehicle, $150 fine.

     Zachery M. Wilcox, 26, Mars Hill: failure to register vehicle, $150 fine; operation of defective vehicle, $150 fine. 

     Mitchell D. Hanning, 28, Presque Isle: operating after habitual offender revocation, prior, $1,000 fine, six months in jail; unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, 18 months in prison; attaching false plates, dismissed.

     Darci M. Webber, 34, Easton: aggravated forgery, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 30 days in jail; theft by deception, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

     Tammy Lyn Clark, 36, Castle Hill: theft of services, $200 fine, $305.25 restitution.

     Vanessa A. Perkins, 31, Masardis: domestic violence assault, dismissed.

     Robert W. Dobbins, 59, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, dismissed. 

     Jahmere D. Cooper, 20, Presque Isle: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.

     Shawn Beaulieu, 47, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.

     Riley R. Parady, 26, Fort Fairfield: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine, $49.96 restitution.

     Trevonte A. Caudill, 21, Limestone: operating after registration suspended, $200 fine.

     Troy C. Blier, 31, Caribou: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

     Dennis W. Young, 42, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine. 

     Troy C. Blier, 31, Caribou: refusal to submit to arrest or detention, refuse to stop, 10 days in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

     Elden W. Brewer, 55, Mars Hill: failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $300 fine.

     Thomas R. Woodward, 70, Sherman: rule violation, operation with false duty status, $100 fine.

     Kiara Lord, 20, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, filed on $100 costs.

     Tyler Farley, 28, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.

     Daniel A. Gaudet, 30, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine.

     Alexander W. Mersereau, 25, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine; attaching false plates, $150 fine.

     Isiah Bishop, 21, St. Louis, Minn.: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.

     Steven F. Ouellette, 41, Endfield, Conn.: fugitive from justice, extradition ordered.

     Randy L. Fulton, Sr., 50, Mars Hill: violating condition of release, dismissed; violating protection from abuse order, dismissed; violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.

     Wendell Bourgoin, 65, Van Buren: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine, $39.98 restitution.

     Bruce A. Bechard, Jr., 28, Presque Isle: attaching false plates, $150 fine.

     Troy C. Blier, 31, Caribou: criminal trespass, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

     Robert W. Dobbins, 59, Presque Isle: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.

     Stephen Rankin, 61, New Portland: failure to check traps in organized town, dismissed.

     Shelby L. York, 28, Presque Isle: domestic violence assault, seven days in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

     Joseph M. Neece, 52, Caribou: violating measurement of wood rules, $500 fine; harvest operator failure to pay within 45 days, $1,000 fine, $4,774 restitution.

     Jayson D. Lovely, 25, Presque Isle: use of drug paraphernalia (two counts), dismissed (each). 

     Ryan Hayes, 43, Easton: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.

     Thomas J. Pond, 37, Presque Isle: operating ATV on public way, $100 fine.

     Timothy Sullivan, 39, South Windsor, Conn.: failure to stop snowmobile upon entering public way, $100 fine.

     Michael Wasilausky, 35, Viantic, Conn.: failure to stop snowmobile upon entering public way, $100 fine.

     Cameron Spittle, 26, Fort Fairfield: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine.

     Clayton W. Turner, 46, Presque Isle: violating snowmobile noise level, $100 fine.

     Shawn P. Cyr, 55, Fort Fairfield: operating snowmobile on public way, $100 fine.

     Michael Monaco, 34, Glastonbury, Conn.: violating snowmobile noise level, $100 fine.

     Timothy Sullivan, 39, South Windsor, Conn.: violating snowmobile noise level, $100 fine.

     Donovan D. White, 37, Monkton, Vt.: violating snowmobile noise level, $100 fine.

     Craig E. Kutz, 47, Hamburg, Pa.: operating snowmobile left of center, $100 fine.

     Cameron  Shea Alexander Fischer, 19, South Berwick: operating snowmobile left of center, $100 fine.

     Timothy J. Shay, 63, Indian Island: operating vehicle on snowmobile trail, $100 fine.

     Isaac B. Adams, 18, Mapleton: operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine; violating snowmobile noise level, $100 fine.