Houlton area From our Files – Week of July 15, 2019

6 years ago

115 Years Ago – July 15, 1904

     To study law Bernard Archibald, A.B. has entered the law office of Powers & Archibald to study law.

    Performed at the carnival E.J. Morrill of this town was one of the attractions at the Woodstock carnival this week. His exhibition of highwire performing was one of the chief features of the carnival. 

100 Years Ago – July 16, 1919

     Made a purchase Halsen W. Richards has purchased of E.G. Bryson the attractive log cabin which he had in the Fourth of July parade and has placed it on his lot on Commonwealth Avenue.

     Accepted position Miss Ethel Jenks has accepted a position at the Houlton Savings Bank and has commenced her work.

75 Years Ago – July 20, 1944

     Elected Dr. Clyde I. Swett of Island Falls was elected president of the Aroostook County Medical Society at the annual meeting held here last week. Other officers elected included Dr. E.D. Griffiths, Presque Isle, vice-president, and Dr. Thomas Harvey, Fort Fairfield, secretary and treasurer.

     Most successful business year With over 300 people attending the annual meeting of Maine Potato Growers, Inc., members of that association paid tribute to two of its outstanding leaders, President Frank W. Hussey and Vice-president Milton E. Smith. Both men were presented with a gift as a token of appreciation and esteem on the part of directors, members and employees of the association.

50 Years Ago – July 16, 1969

     Celebrate 50 years Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Peters of Orient recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married June 25,1919, at Woodstock, N.B., by the Rev. Ackland, pastor of the Baptist Church, and they have lived in Orient ever since.

     Wins $150 Mrs. Sadie Barriner was presented with $150 in cash she received in a special sales promotion of the Chain Apparel Shops in Market Square. Making the presentation on behalf of Chain Apparel was Mrs. Mabel White. Mrs. Barriner is the mother of three children.

25 Years Ago – July 20, 1994

    New business Houlton Rental Center has been in business on the North Road since 1992. It recently joined Grand Rental Station and had a grand opening of the turnkey concept store on July 9. The winner of the grand prize shop vac was Angela Wilde. Those participating in making the grand opening a success were; Steve Hagerman, shop foreman; Dan DeLucca, manager; and Don O’Donnell, customer service.

    Commemorates opening — Peg Hammond, director of the Houlton Regional Health Services Foundation, presented a ‘Boy and the Boot’ statue to Tony Bowers, owner of Bowers Funeral Home. The statue was purchased to commemorate the grand opening of Bowers’ new funeral home at 10 Water St. in Houlton.