Health system board elects County members

6 years ago

BREWER,  Maine — The Northern Light Health board of directors held their annual meeting recently in Brewer, during which they chose officers and directors for the coming year. The slate included three from Aroostook County.

Barry McCrum of Mars Hill was re-elected to a third and final year term as board chair. 

Peter St. John of Winterville was re-elected to a second term as director.

Jay Reynolds, MD, vice president and senior physician executive at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital in Presque Isle, joined the board, stepping in to fulfill a three-year rotating term as a member organization physician leader representative. 

Prior to his current role, he was vice president of medical affairs at AR Gould Hospital. He earned his bachelor of arts degree at Johns Hopkins University and his doctorate in medicine at the University of Vermont. He is a member of the Maine Medical Association, American Academy of Family Physicians, and the Maine Academy of Family Physicians.

Also elected were Kathy Corey of Waterville, vice chair; new members John Ryan, Esq., of Northeast Harbor and David Ahola, MD, of Bangor; and returning members Marianne Lynch, Esq., of Bangor and Michael McInnis of Hampden.