The Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Senior Citizens group will start their season this coming Monday, Oct. 21, with the usual luncheon.
These monthly luncheons will be on the first and third Mondays of each month through June. For this first meeting, the group will have its traditional pancake breakfast for lunch. There will be pancakes galore for everyone attending. Starting on Nov. 4, the group will hold their two monthly potluck luncheons at the Mapleton Methodist Church.
The group engages in a wide variety of activities besides having a terrific potluck lunch. They discuss issues such as dealing with dementia, consumer fraud and town issues. Sometimes they just have fun doing craft projects such as making soap, Christmas decorations or May baskets. Occasionally, there is is a semi-serious Bingo session.
If you are over age 55, you are invited to attend and join the group. Plan on attending the October 21 meeting of the Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill Seniors for a great meal and a pleasant time with friends and neighbors. Please keep in mind the luncheons will be potluck.
Club preps for winter
Susan Maynard from the Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile and ATV Club announced the club’s first big meeting for members will be held tomorrow evening, Oct. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the club house in Chapman.
Last week the club’s quilting/crafting group started their weekly 10 a.m. Wednesday morning sessions.
The Oct. 17 meeting’s purpose is to share information regarding the upcoming snowmobile season. All members are invited to attend. There will be a directors’ meeting. Planning will take place for the first big event of the year, which is the landowner turkey supper. Lots of help from members is needed for this important event to recognize the landowners who graciously allow snowmobilers to cross their properties.
The following three events are scheduled for November and members are encouraged to participate.
No. 8 and 9 are the dates for the annual yard/craft sale at the clubhouse. The sale will run from 8:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Remember the sale is supported by donated items from members and friends. Donated items and services will be accepted for the sale.
On November 13, Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., the monthly directors’ meeting will be held.
Nov. 16, Saturday at 6:00 PM is the date and time for the landowner turkey supper, which will be free for members with a paid memberships and for all landowners.
If you plan to attend, an RSVP must be received by Susan Maynard at 764-1236 prior to the dinner. Also Susan reminds members that help is needed with the food.
Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at