To the Editor:
The Saturday, Dec. 14 Wreaths Across America event held at Littleton’s Cemetery was truly a well-organized and respectful tribute to our deceased veterans.
As was noted in the article in the Houlton Pioneer Times Dec. 18, weather conditions were difficult to say the least.
Chester L. Briggs Post No. 47 (Houlton) of the American Legion would like to thank the organizers of the event allowing the Post to provide its Color Guard, who “Posted the Colors” and the Honor Guard who rendered the final three-shot volley and the playing of taps as the final salute to our fellow veterans.
For 100 years, our Post (No. 47) has served our veterans, families and our communities. It was our privilege and honor to serve once again with “Good will toward men” and hopes of “Peace on Earth.”
Jerry Riley, Post Adjutant