Kids need foster families

5 years ago

To the editor:

May was National Foster Parent Appreciation month, and A Family for Me and the Department of Health and Human Services are working together to continue to spread the word about the need for foster families.

Although we are not allowed to have large gatherings of people, we have rolled out an online informational video in order to engage you, and to continue to help our children. This is the first step in the process and it gives an overview, and helps us in making it easier and more streamlined. 

We can mail you a link to the informational meeting, which you can view online, and complete the questionnaire if you are interested in moving on to the next step.

Once you complete the questionnaire, DHHS will get an application out to you; this will start the process for fostering or adoption.

Also, if fostering may not be something you can do at this time, but you still want to help out, we can always use volunteers to spread the word.

If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to me and I can answer any questions you have and walk you through the process: or

Amy Bergeron
A Family for ME Recruiter