Caribou area From our Files – Week of June 8, 2020

5 years ago

115 Years Ago – June 14,  1905

Grange building Ground was broken this week for the erection of the new Grange building in Caribou.

100 Years Ago – June  17, 1920

Seed cutter Cutting 90 barrels of seed potatoes in six days is pretty good work for a man of 73 years of age. This was done by I.W. Clark last week while working for Fred Lovely.

75 Years Ago – June  14, 1945

New uniforms — Caribou firemen have been outfitted with new uniforms of blue serge. The new uniforms differ from the old-style high-necked button uniforms since they are regulation officer style. The trouser legs are marked with a half-inch red stripe. The suits were fitted by Dan Morrison.

Graduation exercises — Graduation exercises for the Class of 1945 will commence at Caribou High School next Friday morning, June 22. Miss Doris Carlson will address the graduates.

50 Years Ago – June  17, 1970

Magazine cover subject — Peter Edgcomb, Limestone FFA adviser, and Mike Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bell, were talking about the June-July issue of the National FFA Magazine. Mike is pictured on the cover as he nets a trout on the annual FFA fishing trip to Canada.

Explosion causes blackout An explosion which ignited oil in a potential transformer at the Maine Public Service Co. plant here caused a blackout over the southern section of Caribou Thursday evening.

25 Years Ago -June 14, 1995

Caribou FFA chapter wins Electrathon Race The Caribou FFA chapter won the first Electrathon Race for battery-powered cars to be held in Maine. The event was an integral part of the American Tour De Sol, which finished in Portland recently. Utilizing a student fabricated and designed chassis, Caribou’s driver, Jason Peterson, bested a field of seven by turning 79 laps around the one-fifth-mile autocross course.

Musical assembly A group of beginning band pupils at the Stockholm School performed five numbers at a musical assembly last Monday afternoon. Performing were; Jamie Forsman on the flute, Jenna Sund and Lauren Currier on the saxophone, and Randy King assisted by instructor Waldron Babbidge on the trumpet.