Houlton area From our Files – Week of June 22, 2020

5 years ago

100 Years Ago – June 30, 1920

     Returns home — Wm. H. Higgins, who formerly drove a public carriage here but recently of Bath, Maine, where he has been employed in the shipyards, has returned to Houlton where he expects to remain if he can buy a home.

     Doing demonstrations — Mr. W. J. Cookson, representing the Stewart Furnace Company, is at the store of Hamilton and Grant Co., where he is demonstrating the Stewart One Pipe Furnace which has many advantages over the old-fashioned kind. He will be pleased to show this heating arrangement to any interested.

75 Years Ago – June 28, 1945

     Silver wedding anniversary — Mrs. Joseph West and Mrs. George McCain were co-hostesses at the home of the latter for a surprise silver wedding anniversary party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McElwee. Card games were enjoyed and refreshments were served which included a beautiful wedding cake which was decorated in silver.

     Attends insurance meeting — John R. Harvey and Ralph Ellis attended the state meeting of the Mutual Underwriters Association which was held at the DeWitt Hotel in Lewiston. They were accompanied by Mrs. Harvey, who was the guest of relatives in Augusta.

50 Years Ago – July 1, 1970

      Joins staff — Dr. Dale D. Morris, a native of Presque Isle, has been appointed to the faculty of Ricker College in Houlton to teach psychology, Ricker President C. Worth Howard announced Tuesday. Dr. Morris, a graduate of Presque Isle High School, received his B.A. degree in psychology from the University of Maine in 1959 and earned both his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in psychology from Florida State University. At Ricker, Morris will teach courses in general psychology, developmental psychology, and the psychology of learning and thinking. 

     Honored anniversary — Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davies were dinner guests of their daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and MRs. Charles Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. George Levensailor at the former’s home in Littleton on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Davies were presented with flowers, gifts and a cake made by Mrs. Johnson.

25 Years Ago – June 28, 1995

    Donating funds — National Starch and Chemical Company of Island Falls has recently donated funds to Southern Aroostook Community School. The amount totals $1,750, with Envirothon receiving $250, Boys and Girls State receiving $300, Dollars for Scholars receiving $700, and $500 going toward the high school’s general fund. Larry Malone, principal of SACS,d received the several checks from National Starch office manager, Evelyn Robinson.

    New location — The Maine Job Service held an open house at its new location on Bangor Street. Attending the ribbon cutting were; Otis Smith, second vice president of the Chamber of Commerce; Nancy Ketch, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce; Gary Whitney, Job Service field supervisor; Ron Gallagher, manager of Job Service; Robert Ouellette, deputy director of field operations for Job Service; and Chris Putnam, retail trade board.