Credit union Ending Hunger effort aids local food pantries

5 years ago

MADAWASKA, Maine — NorState Federal Credit Union supports local community food pantries through the efforts of Maine’s Credit Union Ending Hunger Campaign, and recently announced last year’s contributions totaled more than $23,000.

Throughout the year, credit union staff and volunteers participate in fundraising efforts that bring awareness to hunger in Maine and work hard to raise much-needed monies to be donated directly to local food pantries.

“Thanks to the generosity of our members, staff and dedicated food pantry volunteers, NorState’s combined effort allowed us to raise $23,534.56 for last year,” said Nancy Marquis Cyr, NorState executive vice president. “What a great testimony to the credit union’s philosophy of people helping people.”

The campaign’s coordinator is Elaine Clavette, who works at the Madawaska branch.

“We are fortunate to have such great staff at every location for our ending hunger efforts, Clavette said. 

“Staff works with local food pantry volunteers to gather the information and resources we need to get to work on our Ending Hunger efforts throughout the year. Volunteers work hard to make sure their pantry shelves are stocked so no one has to go hungry We are inspired to raise monies to help them with their efforts.”

Denise Duperre, executive marketing director, commented, “The bond between community, donors and pantries allows us the opportunity to bring awareness to all communities in The County, where one out of every five persons is food deficient.”

Cyr added, “This awareness is why NorState Federal Credit Union works diligently all year long to raise funds for the Ending Hunger Campaign, as well as, NorState’s Hope for the Holidays Food Drive. During November and December, in partnership with a local radio station, we collect over 10,000 pounds of non-perishable foods and items for local pantry shelves.”

The company donated these funds to the following central and northern Aroostook food pantries via individual presentations because of COVID-19 gathering restrictions: Fort Kent Ecumenical Food Pantry, which serves several communities in the northern regions of the St. John Valley; Friends Helping Friends pantries in Easton; Ashland Food Pantry; St. Mary’s Food Pantry and Fish River Rural Health Food Pantry in Eagle Lake; Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Food Pantries, serving pantries in Grand Isle, Madawaska, St. David and Frenchville; Van Buren Food Pantry; Our Lady of the Valley Pantry in St. Agatha; Sinclair Food Pantry; and GIFT Food Pantry in Presque Isle.

For more information about donating your time or monies to the Ending Hunger Campaign, contact To see live video presentations, follow NorState FCU on social media.