Houlton area From our Files – Week of July 6, 2020

5 years ago

100 Years Ago – July 14, 1920

     Leased a room Mr. Bugbee who conducts a restaurant in the Thibadeau Block has leased the connecting room in rear of his present location and will open it up in connection with his lunch counter and will use the new part for ladies.

     Letter of congratulations Walter Yetton, manager of the Singer Office in Houlton, has received a letter from the District Manager at Bangor congratulating him upon the splendid showing of his recent sales report sent in, and said, ‘It is the best report that has ever come out of Aroostook County.’

75 Years Ago – July 12, 1945

     Golden anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Mansfield observed their golden wedding anniversary Saturday during which time they entertained about 50 relatives, neighbors and friends. The anniversary cake was made by their daughter, Mrs. Norman Hurd, who also sang a group of songs during the afternoon.

     Will teach in Littleton Miss Maxine Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Shirley, is attending the summer session at Farmington State Normal School. Miss Shirley graduated with honors from Houlton High School and as a sanction teacher has accepted a position in Littleton at the Haggerty School.

50 Years Ago – July 15, 1970

     Retiring Dorothy P. Groves, who is retiring July 31 after 26 years with the Department of Agriculture, was honored at the Parkview Terrace. She has been with the Farmers Home administration in Houlton since 1946, and has been  office manager since 1949. Mahlon Delong, State Director for New England, along with Darrell Bates, FHA supervisor for the Houlton area, presented her with a certificate of appreciation.

     Cash award Peggy Fontaine, secretary for the Houlton sub office was presented with a certificate of merit and a $75 cash award by Robert L. Glidden, inspector in charge for the Immigration Service, upon acceptance of Mrs. Fontaine’s suggestion under the Forms Improvement Program by the Incentive Awards Committee in Washington. 

25 Years Ago – July 12, 1995

    Supports AHA The residents and staff of Madigan Estates raised $600 to support the American Heart Association’s programs. At the check presentation were: Sandra Hartford, activities coordinator of Madigan Estates; Dorothy Wilcox, resident council president and Patsy Rutkauskas, field manager for American Heart Association. A majority of funds raised for the AHA remain in the state, with the association funding educational and research programs within the state.

    Award winning painting — Donna Chase of Stacyville recently won Best in Show at the Millinocket Art Festival for her oil painting of a boy sipping water from a woodland stream. A self-taught artist, Chase concentrates on nature and wildlife scenes and displays her work at her Main Street studio in Patten and at Northern Creations in Houlton. She is also a member of the Houlton Art Group.